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About clpagel

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    Junior Member
  1. As a mommie and former den leader, I have enjoyed my 1st year of freedom! I told the dad's for 4 years that their turn would come. And they are there. I am on the committee and a MBC but that is it. Last night, I was talking to the newest former den leader and mommie. She kept saying that it felt like she should be doing more. We let her sit in on a BOR (for my son) to see what it was like. She will be on the committee too, but it is fun to sit back and relax. BTW - I helped my son pack for his first summer camp! I bought 5 shirts for the 7 days. He wore them all, just the last one
  2. The activity badges I was referring to were mainly Family Member, Handyman, and Traveler. I also had almost of my scouts earn 100% of their activity badges. I had 6 out of 8 earn 100%.
  3. I am a MBC for our troop. Not the only one by any means. We live in a rural town of 3500. We also have two troops in our town. I have only led one merit badge so far, my son came up last spring. My son hates working with me! I'm much tougher on him (he thinks, maybe true) than the other boys. Partly, that is because I know what he is capable of. And I was den leader for some of the other boys and know of their various learning disabilities and take that into account. He is much happier when it is not my turn to lead a MB. But as counselors, we try to offer different badges, so that t
  4. I am concerned by hearing that only the webelos den leader can sign off on the activity badges. I was den leader from wolf until they joined the boy scout troop. I am currently a committee member and merit badge counselor. There were a couple of activity badges that could not be done as a den and had to be completed at home. How could the den leader possibly sign off on these?
  5. I read that I can take youth protection online. Could someone tell me how and where? My problem is not that I don't want to keep my training current, it is just with the youth protection, I am having to be trained for the exact same thing at church. And at school. It is very redundant to have to take the same thing 3 times because no one will recognize the others training!
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