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Everything posted by Bzzy

  1. That's not an apology, bud.
  2. No, I do not expect apologies from parasites, I expect an apology from a scout who called a large number of other scouts liars based upon unfounded accusations. (That would be YOU.)
  3. But we do know that one basic prerequisite here is proving one's "connection to scouting" via one's name being on a troop roster at the time of being assaulted, or by other documentation, such as the Troop Scribe's report in the local newspaper for those who were scouts in towns small enough to print the scribe reports in the paper. As non-scouts are easily excluded, the statement above calls fellow scouts liars. I find this behavior that requires an apology. In this context, there are some lines that one cannot cross.
  4. While nothing is foolproof, a funny story to put this point of "fingerprinting" and "background checks" into perspective... I was attacked in the early 1970s, ran from my attacker the moment he let go, and have not stopped running since. Rather than hiking, camping, rock-climbing, and ice-climbing, I focused on drinking and trumpet playing. (I stopped drinking in 2005, simply because my age made it impossible for me to keep drinking.) I spent quite a bit of those 30+ years camping. While I lacked the proper back-country camping permits required by the authorities, the rangers and n
  5. What is the "appeal process"? I was not aware that there was any appeal process.
  6. It is extremely difficult to talk about any of it. If any of the other victims are like me in any way, it is something of which I am still ashamed. Even now, I wonder if I might have done something different to avoid becoming a target. But mostly, I try not to let my memory do any more damage than has already been done. Sometimes, I can go days without any thought of any of it. You may call it "denial", I call it "survival".
  7. I am new here, and I read this discussion from the start. There are a few very important points that have not been made clearly, so I will attempt below, as they are. These are isolated points, and make sweeping generalizations, so there are many edge conditions and exceptions I will not address, as I do not want to write a book. I attempt to present "fact", but others may have divergent views of these same "facts". I'll not argue. 1) The BSA reincorporated in DE specifically for purposes of bankruptcy because DE permits non-consensual 3rd party releases in bankruptcy while Texas does
  8. Does anyone have a plain-English understanding of the "Releases" that Scouts are asked to sign as a prerequisite to getting the "Advance Payments" of $1,000 ? (Note, this is not the "expedited reduced payment", this is instead an initial payment to Scouts who have been found to have "solid cases" under the "Claim Matrix".) The explanation offered by the trust is complex enough to suggest the need for a new merit badge in "Forensic Linguistics". And no mention is made of the impact that the Supreme Court's eventual decision on the Perdue Pharma settlement might have on these releases. W
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