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Everything posted by xinaDeRockie

  1. We did CIS as a troop and I believe it was really good for the scouts and adults. One of the things I brought up was that people come from different economic backgrounds and that we help with scholarships for those families that need it. One scout stated that no one in our troop needed that. He is wrong. I also shared with them the story of my 91 year old father who came to the US (Arkansas) from China. When he was a child, he was not allowed to attend school in his town because of the Jim Crow Laws, i.e. my father was labeled "colored" and therefore wasn't allowed to attend scho
  2. You are correct! SD, not NM. I've been researching patrol-style cooking at the various summer camps and my focus was in NM.
  3. We were at Medicine Mountain Scout Ranch in SD (not, NM typo in the original msg) last summer and our scouts LOVED it! They have patrol-style cooking. We ended up with SO much extra food. It was a great cooking experience!
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