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Everything posted by Life

  1. Ugh. Rather than reply to a particular post I’ll just put in on the thread. I’m an amateur at best when it comes to forums. first I’ll state again how I am much impressed with the level of maturity from the survivors responses here. Seeings how most of us are stunted in many ways and have had to fight to learn How to communicate on this topic. And survivors we are. There is no need to victim blame / shame either. We have done that to our selves for all the years that led up to this. Ohh… the things we have gone through on this road that was thrust upon us. From 15
  2. Thank you. It’s easy to see who relates and doesn’t by the words they write. I can tell that you do and I wish you didn’t. I wish we didn’t understand. an old therapist (a long time ago, and to be fair, old) of mine told me the child sexual abuse is the worse crime that can be committed against a child. That murder would be mercy in comparison. Worse is to have your soul snatched away and replaced with nothing. I use harsh words because people don’t want to hear the reality of it. I hear you and the others brother. I find solace in the stories I read from us. would you
  3. It’s interesting to read all this. I can sense the court process is causing ‘feelings’ nothing more than feelings. (You know the words). It should. For many of us (me) this all brings up the unseen effects of the molest. The years of psychic pain, confusion, loss of self. Actually, the complete loss of self. I likened to being a cute little wind up toy Wound up at birth and sent on its path. In perfect direction on course to a chance at all that is so easily received in life by many. Then some bully comes along and kicks it, HARD, sending the toy hurling through the air, then crash right into
  4. Much moved and relate %100. If it weren’t for this job thing I have to be at I would be responding in depth. I shall do that after work. thanks for the words.
  5. https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/boy-scout-chaperone-accused-of-placing-hidden-cameras-in-bathrooms-at-summer-camp/amp/ im confused and angry. Forgive me if this is not the place to post this and I will remove it. All the while squabbling in court to compensate past csa survivors while creating more victims. The irony.
  6. Part of wanting to chime in is for this very reason. This whole thing doesn't even feel remotely like looking out for us. It would be childish to believe that it could have been for that. Things would move quicker if they were. Humble opinion. I do appreciate what I heard at the last town hall. The measures that will go in effect to minimize future abuse. I also believe that by us all standing up and making some noise will perhaps help to minimize future abuse. In short we can help look out for those that the BSA has failed to do in the past.
  7. I wanted Lif01-32almostaneagle21 but that was taken. Thank you for the welcome!
  8. Thank you, and I empathize as well. well stated on the hyper focused mind. The muddling. Grateful for the welcome.
  9. Thank you. Thanks to you all I’ve been able to see what’s really going on beyond what the media likes to spin. ll bet you two 20mg Prozac pill that we may need more Prozac before this is done. im in this with you all also! Thank you. I have so far!
  10. I remember going to the circus when I was a kid and remember it being a lot more fun. Same treatment of the animals though. ive been following this forum for awhile now and just now decided to chime in. Seems like a calm before the storm so I wanted to pipe up. ive been involved in this since before the bankruptcy. My state, I don’t own it, opened its window in 2020 and my lawyer team filed on my behalf on the 2nd of Jan. They warned it could turn to BR. They even asked if I still wanted to go through with it after that fact. Now I understand why it was questionable. But he
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