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Posts posted by BeastlyGaming

  1.  Usually scouts focus on outdoor skills, and internet safety and all that... But it's also great to have social connections!


     If ANYONE in or out of scouting would like to join the Public scouting discord, please join here: https://discordapp.com/invite/U4bj9k7 (Not sure why my link is broken, so just copy and paste in browser)


    Because of safety and all that in scouting, we do have guidelines in place aside from our Scout pledges.

    And just so you know, the discord isn't ran by any "shady" figures, it's ran by an Eagle Scout. :p





    Thank you to those who wish to be apart of the Assembly Community!



    https://discordapp.com/invite/U4bj9k7 <-- Fixed.

  2.  Usually scouts focus on outdoor skills, and internet safety and all that... But it's also great to have social connections!


     If ANYONE in or out of scouting would like to join the Public scouting discord, please join here: https://discordapp.com/invite/U4bj9k7 (Not sure why my link is broken, so just copy and paste in browser)


    Because of safety and all that in scouting, we do have guidelines in place aside from our Scout pledges.

    And just so you know, the discord isn't ran by any "shady" figures, it's ran by an Eagle Scout. :p





    Thank you to those who wish to be apart of the Assembly Community!

  3. So I'm not sure if you can "make" your own camp programs... You certainly can propose them. But here is my local council's:


     My council (Crossroads of America Council [CAC]) has a summer camp program called Firecrafter ( www.firecrafter.org ).


    Essentially it's for getting scouts involved in summer camp and service, much like O.A. but does things a little better in my opinion.


    Firecrafter was started by Belzer and Norton and eventually led to what it is now, which is amazing.


    My experience in Firecrafter has been awesome, everything from learning how to build a fire with nothing but friction to going through the "Ritual" which I'm not supposed to talk about the secret part, but my time going through it was amazing.


    The ritual, though I must be sort of hidden about the full details, but it's basically a 3 day outing, like your usual weekend outings, you just need to be prepared for activities such as a service project, camping like you would in Wilderness Survival merit badge (1st night not the second), and to hone in your fire-by-friction kit's potential.


    My hope is one day this program can go National so that all scouts have an opportunity to go through this program.

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  4. I'm going to be working on Firecrafter (for those of us in the Hou Koda district that do this) and I'd like help planning some of my skits, if you have ideas I can use I'd be interested in learning them and potentially having my troop perform them :D

    This is the last summer camp I can go to before I achieve Eagle, so it's somewhat of my chance to be an overachiever if I can do the 100 yard swimming (since I am awful at it).


     Basically Firecrafter is a rank in which you can earn at camp, through things like building a fire, popping a spark with self-made bow and spindel.


    One of the requirements is to make a 15 minute fire and have a program including skits lasting for the 15 minutes... The fire can burn forever if it'd like... just until they tell you that you're good to go and they leave.



     If you don't know: http://www.firecrafter.org/firecrafter.html


     It is one of four ranks you can get, it's somewhat like O.A but not really... The fourth is super hard to get.





    Minisino (http://www.firecrafter.org/minisino.html) <-- ("super" hard :p)


    If you contribute I thank you :D


  5. Would I (16) be able to teach, or demonstrate certain areas of the Programming merit badge, under the supervision of the Counselor in charge?


    This is without being going to any summer camps as a counselor or staffer there... This would be in the troop and under charge of the merit badge counselor.

    Obviously I wouldn't be signing off and the Counselor would review this material fully and in detail with the scouts but me being able to summarize and show how to do something like how to make an application that's simple, show and tell how the code works; ect.

  6. @@blw2 Was that (look from the back of the dining hall) down the hill out on the left side of the lake way in the rear...


     If so was it before you go into the woods or into the woods, cause our campsite was in the back of the camp and I believe it was the last on on the lake, we were near a Pier to fish on... though we encountered loads of wasps on it.

  7. Well the NSA doesn't want me... Nor am I a child when it comes to technology... Yes I may not be able to prevent everything, but making sure the security is there and enforcement and all that is in place is helpful. I am glad you all are helping to put your 2 cents into this, but I think it's worth a shot to at least open the discord and have a go... It can be a small and limited community with minimal contact... Besides, only few invites to the discord will be given out. I'm not too concerned about the Logs since it's not my platform and I didn't make Discord, so security issues is not my problem, although still keeping everyone aware is a goal to assess... Cybersecurity will be something I can look into as a programmer... I may give Discord a buzz and see what their priorities are. But again I am going to put this idea in motion for now. 

  8. Lol you guys are creative...


     Discord would not and never has been subject to Protection acts as it's just like every other chat service... As far as BSA goes their not the ones running the Discord, though it may be related to scouting I would be able to manage it and keep it scout friendly


     Regarding the identity of scouts, I'm not all that concerned with what the adult leaders would in truth consider "predators"... People in the discord are subject to many open conversations and the discord will constantly remind it's users to be safe...

  9. I've decided to make a Boy Scout Hangout server the platform will be Discord (you can get it at discordapp.com)


     here is the invite link, all scouts, scoutmasters & troops are welcome, we recommend you speak some english for our international guests.


     If you join send the Patrol Leaders (discord staff) your current rank in the troop (ex. Tenderfoot).




     What is this channel for?

    Just simply to chill and hangout with scouters, share adventure, and do some video gaming... It's not traditional for scouts to be away from the Outdoors, but everyone does something outside those camp outs, most of us play video games or sports!

  10. Wow oh goodness, where do I begin xD


     So I am sorry if you go here or have been here... or are going...  :dry:


     My troop was going to summer camp at Camp Crooked Creek [CCC] in Kentucky (right near Louisville I think)

    We were going through just fine, nice lake side area... And all of this trip was foggy cause I can't remember what all happened, not only has it been a while but it wasn't the greatest trip. So we had 3 events that we remember well...


    #1, We were sharing the camping area with another troop since we both were pretty small group there, and one of their kids is arachnophobia, so he wakes up and sees a spider (most likely those stupid harvester / daddy long legs) and screams, flies out of his tent flailing, turns to go down hill (which is the exit to this camp area) runs, trips over a root and faceplants, skids 4 feet gets up and keeps running down the hill... All while the scoutmasters from both troops were having Coffee... I slept through this somehow?... 

    #2 Next up same camp was a scoutmaster from the camp over who went to the Latrine, drops his pants... and *tsits tsits tsits* a rattlesnake's tail waggling...

    It was a timber rattlesnake and the guy just went flying out of there screaming xD I still don't know where I was in all of this!

    #3 I was here for this... We were leaving the camp, packing up getting ready and I don't know what happened but the scoutmasters were looking under a log and they wouldn't let us get too close since they said it was a Copperhead... apparently there was a copperhead snake in our campsite so they chased it off with a stick. I did see part of it's tail as it slithered off.


     I heard the other 2 stories from my scoutmasters, so I'd assume they were real. xD seems viable.


    Other stories... I can't remember too many good ones.

    Other than the "Monsoon" at Camp Buffalo (Buffalo, IN) in 2015... That was cool... we all got soaked, we had a "Tornado warning" for the area, high winds knocked a tree over near the Dining Hall but it wasn't any real damage, I think they said it was just blocking the trail to some of the campsites but they got it chopped up and moved.

  11. I wanted to use it for my troop but I actually want to consider doing a big Discord Server (it's a chat app for gamers much like Skype).


     Anyone think that this could have potential (and if you've been here a while tell me if it'd be okay to post the invite link)

  12. I am the Troop Guide, I handle new scouts and teach them about our Troop and what to do and that stuff :p 

     I'm technically in their Patrol until they get comfortable, but I still hang out in my troop (they sort of just ditched me though xD)

  13. Hello I am Christopher from Indiana, I am a Life scout at 16 and almost to finishing my Eagle Project.

     I've got 2 more merit badges, to finish my project, then to the Board of Review.

    Summer camp I'm getting Firecrafter (for those of you in the CAC [Crossroads of America Council]) then after I am Eagle I will stick in my troop and get them Eagle palms. I am also currently serving my term as a Troop Guide, with plenty of shenanigans from those little Cubbies. 


    Other information about me:

    I am a diehard gamer, I program apps and cool programs, for fun!, I also design video games and intend on following my passion for gaming and working for either my own company or join a company to create the next generation of entertainment. ;)


    Before anyone asks what I've worked on here is my current summary...


     Discord Bots (Discord is a gamer chat app, much like Teamspeak 3 + Skype) [Python]

     Minecraft Mods [Java Eclipse]


    I have not yet "made" a game, though the ideas are certainly there...


     Have a nice day and I look forward to sharing some hilarious stories later on! 

    - Beastly

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