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Posts posted by nextgenscouter1

  1. Eagledad, just curios you said you grew a troop from 17 to 90 which is better in your opinion? I've honestly never understood how big troops work. I mean if you think 90 boys that would be 9 patrols of 10 kids each, you only know your fellow patrol members. Or is it not like that?

  2. I have to say this isn't the parents problem, he/she talked to the PL and wasn't satisfied. In my opinion this is the parent deciding what the scouts could have and not liking the response they received. Boy scouts is supposed to be a boy run program. Not boy run if we like their decisions and if we don't we decided.


    If you don't want your son to drink the soda tell him he can't have it. If he disobeys you punish him. This shows he can resist peer pressure, what happened when he is in college and his friends/frat brothers tell him go get a girl drunk and rape her? Are you going be their and tell him NO? Or will he have to make that decision himself? That is the whole point of scouting to mature boys into men. You hovering over them picking apart their decision and alienating your son isn't the point of the BSA. Daddy isn't always going to be around to protect little Jimmy. Not to mention since YOU a parent think its "bad" you are going to punish all the scouts? This isn't your local soccer club its not daddy's job to buy the snacks. If that is what the scouts want good that fine. They also have healthy options, get off your high horse, stop thinking your better then the scouts since your older and your "experienced".


    This topic reminds me of our districts 2013 Klondike Derby. A troop sponsor it it every year, and last year the scouts of the troop decided to make it a zombie theme. Basically the same thing, different names a few different activities and different introductions. Every scout I talked got from every troop liked it. Who complained about it? The adult leaders/volunteers this year a troop didn't run it two district adults did and it was a major let down. It went back to the boring same thing every year. All because the adults didn't like it.


    I mean no offense to you dedkad, and if I come of harsh I apologize. However, I have to deal with annoying parents every week, I don't need the parents trying to tell me what to do. I don't see a single thing wrong with their menu as long as they aren't trying to get the cooking merit badge. Lighten up and remember when you were kids (I have my doubts about some of you maybe you were just born old :p) and remember Patrol Run nor parent run. Even if their menu was extremely disgusting no work aka raw roman noodles every meal then fine IF they get it approve. Maybe next time they will plan a better meal maybe not, but that is the scouts choice not yours.

  3. Even without the gay issue the BSA number would be dropping. At least in East coast urban areas the BSA is becoming less popular.

    I will say that the BSA really messed up with how they handled the gay issue. They did enough to get people angry and leave over their policy change, but didn't do enough to get people to like the BSA more. They should have either let all gays in or none.

    Skeptic, I agree people from both sides of the political spectrum took advantage of this issue to further their own goals. Of course National doesn't make many good decisions. They seem to go from one blunder to the next.

  4. TwoBlocked I'm Russian Christian Orthodox. I am actually very curios seeing how many Baptist I've come across, will say that I'm not a Christians since we "Worship" Mary, and that we pray to pictures/statues.

    Frankly not meaning to be mean, but unless the BSA takes a huge membership loss, TL will never be competition to the BSA.

  5. I would have gone to a TL meeting to see what it was like, but there weren't any units near me. Peregrinator, I assume they are following the Evangelical interpretation of the Bible.

    TwoBlocked would I, an Orthodox Youth be able to join TL with my parent as a leader? Since we aren't the "right" kind of Christian?


  6. You can always use an example, such as a Catholic is reverent by fasting from meat every Friday during lent. Or a Muslim is reverent by not eating pork and drinking alcohol. I would also explain to them that you shouldn't discriminate based on other people's religious beliefs. Which in my opinion is the most important part of being reverent.

  7. I remember reading an article over the summer, I think about a little boy whose parents identified him as a girl because he liked makeup and lipstick. His parents tried to sign him up for Girl scouts packleader said no, so they went to national and they were told he needs to be let in.

    Know the BSA would never do that, if people imply that letting gays into the BSA is the first step to women joining they are stupid. Girl Scouts are also much more liberal then the BSA.

  8. Well could it be he is to helpful? You know a "kiss up", either way it is all political he can always try the "If you don't vote for me I won't vote for you" or even better he should get the younger scouts to like him then he can use their support, and maybe even become a leader.

  9. First thing I would do is have a talk with the Scout Master if you haven't already and the Senior Patrol Leader. Besides that try and be involved in the Scout troop and see if it is right for your boy.

    Also "A couple of boys in the pack have been bullying my son more and more in class and at pack events" are these boys moving up as well to the troop? and if so have you addressed the issue with the Pack Master and the boys parents? Besides that I can't offer anymore advice I hoped I help and whatever you do good luck on finding a troop.

  10. As a scout currently working on my Eagle Project, I think there is way to much paperwork to be done. It seems like a waste of time to me.They either need to cut out all the paperwork or get rid of it all together. I really like JoeBob's idea I would love to be able to do that. It would not only test your skills but also your commitment to scouts and make you really think about your life. Of course it will never happen which is unfortunate.
    I mean as an official BSA requirement/activity it would never happen.
  11. As a scout currently working on my Eagle Project, I think there is way to much paperwork to be done. It seems like a waste of time to me.They either need to cut out all the paperwork or get rid of it all together. I really like JoeBob's idea I would love to be able to do that. It would not only test your skills but also your commitment to scouts and make you really think about your life. Of course it will never happen which is unfortunate.

  12. Your correct Huzzar sorry about that. Either way who would have excepted him of being a pedophilia? He had children and a wife he was a good family man who helped out in his community. The question is if he was a pedophilia who can you trust? That is the real danger and threat to the boys not some openly gay adult leader.
    I am done with this conversation. I didn't call you stupid I said you were purposely being obtuse. You are refusing to see my points so I will not continue this meaningless conversation.
  13. Your correct Huzzar sorry about that. Either way who would have excepted him of being a pedophilia? He had children and a wife he was a good family man who helped out in his community. The question is if he was a pedophilia who can you trust? That is the real danger and threat to the boys not some openly gay adult leader.
    Huzzer it seems to me you are deliberate being obtuse the point is for years before there were warning sings nobody excepted it. He was held up as a model and the larger community never excepted him since he didn't fit their profile.
  14. I think it is very funny, when people say the membership will drop if they let gay adult leaders in. I would be more suspicious of a heterosexual man who wanted to help in the program for a few reasons.

    The first is how many openly gay men would join the BSA to molest boys? You wouldn't want people to know that you were gay, and many of the people who molest children are married men. For example, Sandusky was married with biological children. Also if you are that worried then your son shouldn't be playing sport, going outside without a parent, or be in school. There is a chance that someone might do something to your son after all.

    The reason I think the BSA membership is falling is simple. Boy Scouts isn't "cool" and it can't compete with the virtual world. In Philadelphia I rarely see kids outside playing they are on their electronics.

    I also think Rick is spot on, we have lost kids due to sports, and if your troop requires a certain number of camping trips per year. That will turn off scouts who have other obligation.

    I have never understood the issue people have with allowing gay scouts and leaders in, and I don't view it as a good reason to leave scouting.

    accidently posted this on the next page. So no point in rewriting it
  15. You know, I've been trying to decide what to think about Trail Life, not that it matters much.

    But I've decided that I really like Trail Life and I'm really glad it's been formed. When I think about all those times I was invited to leave BSA and form my own group, it seems like some COs and scouters decided to do just that and I'm glad they have stuck to their convictions, even while I disagree with them on those convictions. But the best part about this is that if they DO move over to Trail Life, that will reduce the BSA membership to those who either agree with greater inclusiveness in BSA membership policy or else are tolerant of it. Either way, Trail Life makes it even more likely that someday ALL boys regardless of background or beliefs, even lack thereof, will be welcome in this organization.

    In this sense, Trail Life may facilitate the transition for BSA and that is good.

    I never thought of it that way, and I agree with you. However, you still have all the none Protestants who are against the new policy. Though if an organization survived for this long I doubt these issues could destroy it. It would be interesting to see the national membership archives from when the BSA started, just to look at the breakdown and the change of membership.
  16. It National was a car dealer, their strategy could be summed up thusly:


    Take the most popular, dependable, high-selling cars, and hide them in the back of the lot. When those are gone, don't order more. Instead, promote a lot of shiny but under-powered, undesirable cars. Act surprised when sales drop. But do nothing to bring back that popular car.


    Outdoor adventure, whether it's a day hike on Saturday or a Philmont trek, is the key to recruiting and retaining scouts. Just as true today as it was a century ago.


    Successful units/councils get that, and the results prove it.


    Sustainability merit badge won't get it done.

    Horizon what do you mean by recruiting campouts? I'm curious since I would like to bring more kids into my troop. I agree the BSA needs to look more adventuresses. Maybe even make a TV show were they pick a few troops and follow them around. Which would be a hundred times better then that lame "Are you Tougher then an Eagle Scout" show.
  17. Your correct Huzzar sorry about that. Either way who would have excepted him of being a pedophilia? He had children and a wife he was a good family man who helped out in his community. The question is if he was a pedophilia who can you trust? That is the real danger and threat to the boys not some openly gay adult leader.

  18. I think it is very funny, when people say the membership will drop if they let gay adult leaders in. I would be more suspicious of a heterosexual man who wanted to help in the program for a few reasons.

    The first is how many openly gay men would join the BSA to molest boys? You wouldn't want people to know that you were gay, and many of the people who molest children are married men. For example, Sandusky was married with biological children. Also if you are that worried then your son shouldn't be playing sport, going outside without a parent, or be in school. There is a chance that someone might do something to your son after all.

    The reason I think the BSA membership is falling is simple. Boy Scouts isn't "cool" and it can't compete with the virtual world. In Philadelphia I rarely see kids outside playing they are on their electronics.

    I also think Rick is spot on, we have lost kids due to sports, and if your troop requires a certain number of camping trips per year. That will turn off scouts who have other obligation.

    I have never understood the issue people have with allowing gay scouts and leaders in, and I don't view it as a good reason to leave scouting.

    Very interesting, while I agree that if a man is looking to molest a boy he might join BSA. Scouter 99 your right the proper term wouldn't be a pedophilia but rather a Ephebophilia or an Hebephilia, either way if you are attracted to young boys you will find a way to get to them through BSA or a church group or sports.
  19. I think it is very funny, when people say the membership will drop if they let gay adult leaders in. I would be more suspicious of a heterosexual man who wanted to help in the program for a few reasons.

    The first is how many openly gay men would join the BSA to molest boys? You wouldn't want people to know that you were gay, and many of the people who molest children are married men. For example, Sandusky was married with biological children. Also if you are that worried then your son shouldn't be playing sport, going outside without a parent, or be in school. There is a chance that someone might do something to your son after all.

    The reason I think the BSA membership is falling is simple. Boy Scouts isn't "cool" and it can't compete with the virtual world. In Philadelphia I rarely see kids outside playing they are on their electronics.

    I also think Rick is spot on, we have lost kids due to sports, and if your troop requires a certain number of camping trips per year. That will turn off scouts who have other obligation.

    I have never understood the issue people have with allowing gay scouts and leaders in, and I don't view it as a good reason to leave scouting.

  20. I agree with those here who have said that this spin off would probably have eventually happened even if the vote on the gay issue had not come up. There were (and still are) a group of people in the BSA that are not interested in, and have no intention of embracing the BSA values of pluralism (the BSA is “completely nonsectarian†and A Scout is Reverent - “... He respects the beliefs of others.â€Â). They want the BSA to be an explicitly conservative Christian organization that allowed others to join, as long as they agreed to follow conservative Christian values (after all, these are the only valid “valuesâ€Â). The vote was a signal that the BSA was no-longer moving in the direction they wished.


    So it’s no surprise that Trail Life is an explicitly Christian organization (and only a certain kind of Christian at that), that has a policy on gays that is almost identical to the new BSA one (because it was really a religious issue, not one about gays). I have no problem with them and I wish them well. Trail Life (like the American Heritage Girls) is very up-front and honest about what they are, and provides an alternative to those scouters that don’t want to rub elbows with people of different faiths.

    While I agree the BSA made a good call with the new policy change. The conservatives didn't force gays into hiding, or bully the organization into not allowing gays in. and how is it a self-destructive policy? I also wonder would a Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox be able to be a leader in TL or would it only be Protestant Christians.
  21. A friend's grandkids are joining one down in TX. If his boy's any indication of the talent they're drawing, it's going to be a top-notch organization.
    I took this to mean they wouldn't allow in homosexual boys. "The basis for the program’s ethical and moral standards is found in the Bible. In terms of sexual identification and behavior, we affirm that any sexual activity outside the context of the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman is sinful before God and therefore inconsistent with the values and principles of the program.

    Within these limits, we grant membership to adults and youth who do not engage in or promote sexual immorality of any kind"

    Maybe I misunderstood this. However, if we follow the reasons that this is why they left the BSA and the quote above, then I would think otherwise.

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