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Posts posted by 92_SPL

  1. Hello,

    If you don't want to post here because you don't have a website contact me at: dmlyum@aol.com. My name is David, and I am 14 years old. I am getting ready to start a web design business. Before I start I would like to get some more experience making websites. So if your troop does not yet have a website contact me. We'd both benifit... I get practice and you get a website! :) The only fee I require is a small donation... and the best part is your troop decides how much you want to donate! It's completely up to you...


    Contact me to take up on this or to get more information: dmlyum@aol.com

  2. Hi,

    I must say... I know some people who have earned the Eagle Award, but in my opinion is not REALLY an Eagle Scout. On the other hand I have met some people who are Eagle Scouts and I REALLY respect them and know that they are REALY Eagle Scouts... And then I know some people (one imparticular)who only made it to first-class, but I consider him (although he did not earn the Eagle Award) to examplify the TRUE sprit of an Eagle scout. Although he did not earn the award to me he is what the rank of Eagle is all about. He is a scoutmaster now and I must say... Even though he is not an Eagle on paper... to me... he is an Eagle in his heart. He is an extremely good example of the scout oath and law and he is everything I think an eagle should be. He TRULEY carries the scout spirit and everything he has taught me I could never repay him for. I must ask... What do you think? What is your opinion. Do YOU know anyone like this? To me even though he is not an Eagle on paper... He is the best EAGLE SCOUT... I know... (I am starting to cry :'( )

  3. This may or may not be considered a one pot meal (it counted for my cooking meritbadge) but my ALL TIME FAVORITE CAMPIN MEAL IS...



    Foil Meals...

    You take some hambuger meat some tater tots and some mixed vegies wrap them in foil put the foil on some coals... and YUM YUM.... Now this isn't a very detailed recipe. if u want it in more detail let me know ;)... VERY GOOD!!!


  4. I have this same question. In my situation I am still organizing my troop. If you read some of my other posts you can get a better idea. Anyway elections are coming up and I REALLY LIKE BEING SPL but I wonder if someone else should do it. I mean if you knew the people in my troop I AM MOST QUALIFIED but I don't know if well... I am just plain confused... I will probably be moving soon so this would probalby be the last chance I will have to be SPL... ADVICE PLEASE>>>LOL. but seriously I need some outside advice.




  5. Hi Everyone,

    Sorry I have been inactive on the forums for so long. During the summer I have been very busy. As far as the thing about kids I completely agree (even though I am a kid) but about the standing up when an adult enters I never did really get that. It would be disrupting to keep doing that everytime an adult enters. Also would you do it for any adult or just for older people and women???

  6. We do activities every month and about talking to our troop comitee well thats why i posted in the first place. We have comitee members but they are just the parents who are signed up. They aren't organized into groups such as advancement comitee (thats why i am trying to find out more about them.)

  7. Hi,

    To the question are u pulling this troop by yourself? The answer is for the most part I think so. We have 5 scouts registered (only about 3 that are active) that are under 18. About 3 scouts (1 mabye 2 active) that are over 18. And about 11 adults ( Only about 5 that ever show up or do anything, as a matter of fact most of the I didn't even know were on the troop till I got a copy of the troop roster that was sent to the district.)

    Well, when I joined there were 2 scouts (LOL!!) and they are over 18 now and only one of them is still on the roster. Everything was unorganized. Scince then I have read books and talked to people and found out about different things. After finding out about things (like the PLC meeting for example) I talk to my scoutmaster about things like what it is and why we doen't do it and then we start it (if it is something we think we should do) (an example again is the PLC meeting, we recently had our first one.)

    So any info on helping get my troop running how it is supposed to be is greatly appreciated. And if anyone wants to contact me to find out more details about my troop so they can help give me advice you can post here or e-mail me @ dmlyum@aol.com




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