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zippity do da

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Posts posted by zippity do da

  1. and herein lies the problem. It is only stated in the tiger book. At least that I've found. It is the bear and wolf leader against this. It is the webelo 1 leader wanting to do it. So, does it only apply to tigers or to all? It does not state only for tigers but rather prohibits any ceremony in which this takes place. Help me out please!

  2. Thank you all for your support and help. Our pack has many issues. I have tried and tried to get things "right". I am told not to be so black and white. There is, I'm told, a lot of gray in the Guide to safe scouting and leader book. I was also told to back off or I would be voted out. Our den leaders make up the committee. OUr cubmasters wife is the committee chair (imagine how far we get w/ anything). We need serious help and I have NO ONE TO turn to. I'm hoping someone in cyber space will no someone else in cyberspace etc. As far as bobcat, everyone knows the rules. Fact is, people breaking them don't care. Our charter rep will be @ comt. mtg. and we are going to present him w/ the legalities etc. As far as bike a thon,our cubmaster says we do 3 hwy. cleanups a year and a citywide food drive once a year and it helps the church w/ 85 families. Supposedly that is how we "get away" w/ being allowed to do this. We also do family camping and don't file tour permits. I have a child w/ a sibling who is totaly disabled. This childs mom wants to bring an r.v. so she can be there because it's "family" camping and cub can't be left w/ anyone else. Now some members (who can't even vote) are telling me it is not fair for one to bring an r.v. and not others. My gosh, the child is wheel chair bound for life, non responsive, can't feed himself or hold his head up, etc. I'll be darned if they are not going to let her stay w/ her disabled son in an r.v. I'm not to much appreciated by some in my pack. However, I did win district committee member of the year last year, so I know I have some supporters. But, I'm one of few who will speak out. I'm am frustrated at this point and giving thought to not rechartering here and going to another pack, but should I do that, then what would happen to this pack? Please help! Texas needs yall!

  3. Our pack has an annual fundraiser so each boy can raise the money for his pack dues. Pack dues are $40.00 a year. If a boy does not raise this, his summertime activities, awards, etc. are not paid for by the pack. We require our boys to ride 10 miles and get donations per mile. Each boy has to get a minium of $40.00. The boys do get prizes for the amount of money they bring in. Any amount of money they bring in over $40.00 does NOT transfer to next year. I am told it is a treasures nightmare to keep up w/ this. Parents are complaining that this is a non for profit organization and we should be able to transfer money to their dues for next year. We are also not giving back to the community during this bike a thon. But we do highway cleanup 3 times a year and we do a food drive once a year. Our pack does not participate in popcorn selling (very rural area) however; each den does their own fundraising. Has anyone else had simular problems w/in their packs? Can anyone out there offer any help or resolutions? Some boys bring in $300.00. Some can't bring in anything.

  4. I am a Bear leader (3rd year). I was until this year pack trainer. (to much gray area for me). I have a boy in my den w/ a brother who is totally disabled. His mom approached me about family camping. She can only come if she can bring their r.v. to keep the 4 year old in. Our cubmaster says we don't need all the tour permits etc. 'cause it's family camping and parents are there and that covers everything. Yet, they have a problem w/ this parent coming w/ r.v. to bring youngest child who is 100% disabled. this child is wheelchair bound. Can not hold his head up, feed himself and is extremely sensitive to heat and cold. The scout would camp outside. My ex husband is the assistant cubmaster. He is 85% disabled from 4 strokes. He brought an r.v. last year and now some people are having a problem w/ that and he will no longer camp w/ the pack. I am becoming frustrated and looking for guidance and help. This child could become a future scout in 3-4 years and should we do wrong choices now, it may come back to bite some of those people later, especially legally.


  5. I agree, but it doesn't change the fact they will still do it. I need to know what I can do to make sure it will NEVER be an issue again. Especially if my d.e. doesn't care. We've gone to him and gotten no where. Where can you go after that. I've been told, be quiet or you will be gone. I love my scouts and 2 dens. I have 12 active boys. I don't want to loose that. Our pack master and a few others could care less as long as it suits them. But myself and 3 others have come aboard and are rocking the boat and following the letter of the law. However, we are hitting walls. For the first time in 4 years, our charter rep actually showed up to a committe meeting. Because we 4 have stirred up so much "stuff" you might say, but we are only doing what the Guide to safe scouting and other books say to do.

  6. we have boys receiving bobcat @ next pack mtg. Some boys were told of old tradition of being turned upside down. Several leaders are against this because it is against B.S.A. REGULATIONS now. However, our committee and u.c. and d.e. don't seem to mind. Our committee meeting is coming up and any thoughts, help or suggestions would be much appreciated. We feel it is inappropriate to bend the rules to carry on old traditions. Some feel this should not even be an issue nor should new members have been told about it.

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