Our Troop is relatively young and one of the tasks Ive been volunteered for is to organize the Merit Badges into a recommended order of difficulty or age appropriateness. While we understand that every boy is different and what may be difficult for one can be easy for another, we think there is probably some common since order to take on the Merit Badges, especially the Eagle required badges. This would only serve as a recommendation to help Scouts and parents decide which badges to work on and in what order. Ive taken some notes from Summer camp recommendations like:
1st year (Basketry ,Canoeing, Fishing, Indian Lore, Leatherwork, Mammal Study, Swimming , Wood Carving)
2nd year (Camping, Cooking, Fish and Wildlife Management, Forestry, Lifesaving, Orienteering, Pioneering, Rowing, Wilderness Survival)
3rd year (Archery, Astronomy, Environmental Science, Rifle Shooting, Soil and Water Conservation)
4th year(Climbing, Horsemanship)
Has anyone taken on this task in more detail that they can share?