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Posts posted by TWOMORROWS

  1. Question for Scoutfish???? I presume your troop does not allow the boys to have a cell phone. Would it be OK for all the moms to call you four times a day to check on their babies? If not why would you give your son special treatment over the boys who are there without their Daddys?

  2. Wilton125 who did you ultimately find to communicate with at National Supply about requesting Made in the USA preference. It is each of our responsibility to request and buy Made in the USA whenever possible to help our country prosper. You can not have an economy based on consumption alone.


  3. Very well said Beevah. I think that maybe the boy and his parents are not quite ready for the freedom that Venturing offers. In Venturing the parents should be able to get all the information they need from the boy. That being said I also feel that the Advisor should have done better planning and had a contingency plan for leadership attendance.

  4. I do not understand where this idea that Girl Scouts are "hostile" towards men comes from. Girl Scouts welcomes men as volunteers and leaders. They are very protective of the girls while participating in Girl Scouts activities, but I prefer it that way. I do not want men having unlimited or unsupervised access to my daughter. Girls are encouraged to be independent and self-sufficient. They are encourage to do and learn for themselves rather then just calling a "man" to fix, pay, or take care of something. I personally think that this is a good thing. Too many of our young women today will just say..."DADDY"!!!! and expect everything to be right.

    In Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through a myriad of enriching experiences, such as extraordinary field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardships, girls grow courageous and strong. Girl Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others.

    BTW I have had a child in both Boy and Girl Scouts for almost 23 years so I certainly do know about both!!!!



  5. So to summarize:


    --17 and 4 boys were throwing knives at a wall

    --Some boys (not 17) walked on ice on a small ditch (swale)

    --Trainerlady's son was threatening in some way to hit 17 so he was flayling arms and -connected with Trainerlady's son's chin. Witness' concer.

    --Every scout in the cabin was involved in the duct taping incident that duct taped Trainerladys son and another boy.

    --Lemonade event was premeditated. And 17 admitted to it.


    Dad said 17 wouldn't have a knife until he was 21 now.


    17 will be banished from camping and outings for 4 months, not allowed to run in troop elections and will not be passed on Scout Spirit for at least 4 months.


    Trainerlady's sons exagerates and/or lies.


    Trainerlady, who is not in an adult leadership position, had previously told 17 "I have even gone as far a telling him to be glad I can't sit on his Eagle BOR, because I'd fail him over his lack of Scout Spirit and for not living Scout Oath and Law." and is now wondering why there is friction between 17 and her son.



  6. "I have even gone as far a telling him to be glad I can't sit on his Eagle BOR, because I'd fail him over his lack of Scout Spirit and for not living Scout Oath and Law. "


    Trainerlady I don't know about your training, but I am pretty sure that if parents are saying these sort of things to scouts I would think that this troop has some serious problems.

  7. I have a boy and a girl scout, so I catch it from both sides. I may not agree with every single idealogy of either group, but overall I think they are both excellent organizations.

    Some ask how I could be a member of an organization that excludes gays and some ask how I could be a member of an organization that allows gays. Overall I think the people against the Girl Scout stance are more numerous, but then again maybe they are just more vocal.

    Live by example!

  8. GS are just like the BS....the value of the program is greatly dependent on the leader. The GS (at least in our Council) have outdoor programs that rival anything the BS have locally. Horses, backpacking, ocean sailing to name a few of the interest groups that the girls can join and participate in outside their troops. If a boy belongs to troop that does little backpacking he can not simply join a council wide backpacking club. I do not understand the bashing that GS receive. If your daughter's troop is not doing what you think that girls want to do then get involved and change it. On the flip side I do have to agree that National has morphed way too many times!!!

  9. Nestle Nido whole powerdered milk on cereal with dried fruits.


    Boy Favorite...Pizza...pita bread..pepperoni stick...string cheese (good for first day lunch)...individual marinara sauce (from restaurants)...parmasen cheese (from restaurants)


    Thanksgiving in a bag...stove top stuffing in ziploac add boiling water and then a foil pack chicken breast...powdered gravy pack in seperate bag poured over

    Desert...peach or apprecot cobbler...sweet banak bread from a ziploc on a stick over fire and appricots or peaches with cornstarch in a ziploc with boiling water.

  10. Philmont allows you to bring your own tents. Here is a pdf of the best way to prepare their meals NO SUMPING!!! None of their food requires cooking!





    My scout absolutely loves backpacking (base weight 13 pounds) He gets very few opportunities to do so though. Wants to join a crew as an extra to go to MOHAB!

    If anyone wants an extra scout on their backpacking adventures let us know!




  11. Buffalo Skipper...sounds like a great idea! Ideally you do not want anymore than 4-7 hikers in a group! My scout loves backpacking....went to Philmont and thought it was very tame, easy, and not very challenging. Desires to go to MOHAB or something similar. I know that he jumps at every opportunity to go BP. His troop seldom goes!



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