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  • Location
    New Orleans, LA

t23nolasplscrbhst's Achievements

Junior Member

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  1. Hi again! I was wondering if I could do a project where I teach kids how to swim? Both my friend and I are certified lifguards, (my friend is a BSA lifeguard and I am a red cross). Hersh
  2. Hi! One pretty fun fundraiser my troop has is our bi- annual spagetti diner. The scouts all recieve 50 tickets a person, and must sell as many as they can for $5.00. We get 50% of the money we sold, which we use towards big trips(summer and thanksgiving trip). On the day of the diner, we get to the location and set the tables and make the salad. Hope this would help any troop in need of a fundraiser. Hersh
  3. Hi, I am a ASPL and scribe in my troop. We just had about 10-15 boys join our troop from cub scouting. No matter what the senior patrol tries to do, the new scouts don't listen. How do we get the younger scouts to listen and follow us? Thanks, Hersh
  4. Thanks a lot everyone, these ideas will help a whole lot. Hersh
  5. Hi! I like to trade patches, and was wondering if you would send me one? In return, I will send you either a New Orleans Area Council(discontinued a few years ago) or a southeastern louisiana area council patch. Send me a privite message and I'll give you my address. Hersh
  6. Hi again, I saw a house a few streets down from my house the other day and it was just about dilapadated. I found out that a elderly, sickly lady lives there and needed help with the yard. This would include, trimming the hedges, mowing the lawn, and painting the house itself. Since this would beautify the whole neighborhood, could I use it as my project? Thanks, Hersh
  7. (This message has been edited by t23nolasplscrbhst)
  8. Hi, I'm a life scout about to become eagle after i finish my project. I was wondering if there was a min. amount of hours neede for my project. Hersh
  9. (This message has been edited by t23nolasplscrbhst)
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