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Strawberry Switchblade

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Everything posted by Strawberry Switchblade

  1. *smirks* All I see is cruel, cruel irony. Personally, I think it's a bit more comforting to people to see the animal being put to sleep just slowly drift off, but not wake up, rather than die in a blood spatter.(This message has been edited by Strawberry Switchblade)
  2. Hi! The name is Erica, most call me Eri. I'm an 18 year old Lifetime Girl Scout, and a Gold Awardee (think: Eagle Scout). My interest in scouting came a bit late, alas, even though I've been in s outs for thirteen years of my life. I always wished I had been born a boy so I could have been a boy scout, but I'll have to settle for dating an Eagle Scout and having him put up with my curiosities. Hi.
  3. What you saw is true, though the story isn't as shallow. The Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts differ greatly when it comes to funding. We tend to be rather underfunded at times, so we have to take what we can get. GSUSA became involved with Planned Parenthood after giving an award (which award escapes my mind) to one of it's board members. This initially through right-wing conservatives into a commotion and they attempted to boycott our cookies. (Key word? Attempted.) It is also true that Planned Parenthood sponsers troops, but by no means do they push their political views onto
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