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Posts posted by Sqyire21

  1. Also in the military...and I'm only tracking about 2/3 of what you said.


    Not following how the JAG got involved in the first place, but being overseas, you should probably have a represenative who talks with the base Commander on a quarterly or semi-annual basis.


    Yes, the base basically serves as the Chartered Organization...so the Commander needs to either appointment someone to serve in the capaicity, or do it him/herself. As such, some of this "military drama" may get worse....or better.... but I can't imagine any commander who wants to explain to their base populace why the Scouting program just took a nose-dive because of politics.


    I woudl recomend the Chapel (which is where I assume your meeting) be the conduit for you to work through these issues. You should be defined as a private organization...but pretty sure Scouting also falls under non-profits as well. You may also want to call another a couple of bases, and see how their JAG interpits the rules.

  2. Interesting question. I think most folks hit it on the head already.


    My two cents: It's not technically a Boy Scout Award, so he could wear it...but after a year or so in Boy Scouts, I would say he's had the chance to earn the BS level Religious Award, and he should be discouraged from wearing them. Mostly however, I would follow what the rest of the Pack, District, and Council are doing.


    On the knot...I would say he's easily cleared for that. I personally don't like the little metal devices on knots, and have no plan to ever wear them. (partly for the reasons already listed)


    Interesting post, as my Pack is setting up these classes right now.

  3. Just a quick poll/question for others.


    When I was 15, I attended Philmont. Growing up in the mid-west, all of the adults who had been to Philmont wore their Philmont Arrow's. I've since joined the military, and moved to another state.

    Now, as a 35+ adult leader in a different state, I've started to notice none of the adults in my current district wear their Philmont Arrowhead's. I understand I'm geographically farther from Philmont now, so fewer people may have had the chance to attend, but there are a few in the district who have.


    So, my question is: Should I remove my Philmont Arrowhead? I earned the patch, but I also understand how some scout leaders seem covered in patches. I like to think I'm advertising Philmont and High Adventure to anyone who'd like to ask me, but I dont' want take away and seem like I'm bragging.


    Just looking for some thoughts on patch wearing as an adult.

  4. I just found this thread.. and all I can say is WOW!


    I'd like to say you handled the situation much better than I probably would have, and I can only hope if I'm ever confronted in such a way, I will be able to maintain such a positive attitude when confronted with such a difficult situation.

  5. Wow.. thanks for the thoughts everyone.


    Just to clarify, it was 1.5 hour drive, not miles. (yeah, I agree..pretty petty to complain about 1.5 miles)


    Yes, the badge was the Emergency Prepairdness...we're doing a bit of a theme this month, and after reading, it just made sense to look into getting the badge.


    Richard: I'll review the links.


    Everyone else: Thanks again for the thoughts. I was planning on contacting the local council, but as it was pointed out by Scoutnut...I have friends who are EMT's, I work on a military base with access to sevearl Doctor's, Nurses, and other professional medical personnel, and my unit has certified CPR instructors (who are friends and 'want' to teach the scouts.

    My concern was trying to get a Red Cross course, when I know I can get someone to teach a course just as good, or even better. ScoutNut basically said the samething.


    Also Scoutnut: I'll re-examine the requirments...but I believe the scouts have to do them all. (including the First Aid Training)

  6. So, I'm looking through some various badges and awards...they all want Red Cross Training (of various levels/skills) My initial thought was, I'd google a group an see about setting up a large class and try to help cut the cost.. hoping to make it free for the scouts. Now, I find... there isn't any training in the local area at all. We'd have to drive 1.5 miles away, at least. But I have access to at least 3 hospitals here. I know people who teach CPR.


    Question: if the requirement says Red Cross First Aid...and I find a Nurse, Doctor, Fireman, (or even an EMT) who can teach the basic skills of a First Aid Merit Badge (remember, these are only cub scouts)... does anyone think this would meet the requierment? It makes no sense to me to tie us leaders to a single program of study...especially when that program of study is harder to arrange. I understand the need to ensure levels of informatoin taught and accuracy of information....but I'm 99% sure the people I'd find are RC trained, or they help write their training. I can promise...these 7-10 y/o boys will learn some great skills and more than meet the Red Cross requirments...but they just won't be able to do it through the Red Cross class.


    I'm really thinking about setting one of these up and then signing it off. Again, the more the kids learn...the better prepaired they will be.



  7. I guess it's about time I threw in my packs two bits...


    When the scout registars, they pay the normal natinoal registartion fee (with/with-out) Boys Life. (what is this...$35 now?) On top of that fee, our Pack has a fee of $80.00. We've considered raising it, but to be honest, this number seems to meet our needs. The 'Scout' will now be responsible for obtaining his own shirt, unit numbers, and council strip. Many parents also buy the (really cool) patch holders for the scouts rank. (okay, I think they are really cool, becuase we didn't have them when I was a cub scout.

    From here, the pack provides: Book, scarve, slide, patches, belt loops (and we tend to earn a ton of those), pine-wood derby car, rain-gutter raggata boats, awards for both events (trophies or medals, or both). Additionally, we pitch in with Blue and Gold banquet stuff.

    But, all of our scouts are told...if you sign up during pop-corn season...you can earn your pack dues through selling popcorn. So far, my son has hit the mark every time...and I'm really hoping he'll do better this year than last year. Time will tell.


    -- As an added bonus I wasn't aware of until VERY recently... our charter organization picks up the re-charter dues for all of the Scouts. So.. the family pays it once.. and then that's it. It's not the annual gift which keeps on giving... as it were.


  8. Thanks everyone for your thoughts..


    BSA24: I respect your thoughts, however I have always liked the different Cub Scout Knots vs. the BSA Knots.


    In this case, it feels like someone at National has decided Cub Scout Leaders need to meet Boy Scout Leader type requirements...and they have forgotten while they are similar programs which are tied together, there are very distinct differences in the requirements placed on the boys and the leaders!

    Yes, Both programs are 6 years long...but there is a distinct difference in what we ask a 6 y/o boy, and a 16 y/o boy to accomplish...and what their leaders must be prepaired to do to help them accomplish it.

  9. Okay, to start...I think the Scouting Leaders Knots are excessive and overly done... I have personally seen some Scout leaders who have more Knots than I have military Ribbons after 17 years in the USAF.


    But, and I do very much believe in recognizing my Den Leaders for all of their hard work...which is how I partly view the Adult Knots.


    So, with the recent changes to the Cub Scout Adult Leaders Knots, and what is able to be earned... I'd like to ask a question.


    Tiger Cub Knot: It is being cut off after Dec 2012. According to the rules, a Tiger Den Leader Knot requires 1 year (Minimum of 8 months) to be able to earn the knot. I have a new Tiger Den Leader who I would like to recognize with this Knot.. and she will just meet the 8 months in Dec. All of her other requirements will be met... but officialy, the Scouting Year doesn't end until May.


    Should I still put her in for the Knot?

  10. To Mom:

    I agree with all of the other posts so far.


    1) Aquanaut: There are numerous ways to earn the badge, and you can easily work with her to ensure her kids meet the written requirements.


    2) BB Gun/Achery: She can talk to you, and if she's unhappy...I'd not only let her take it to council...I'd give her the phone number. This rule is clearly in black/white...and while there is a LOT of training which can be done outside of the BSA, the requirement still exsits.

    My inital thought: What will this parent do when she gets her sons to Boy Scouts, and they don't get picked for OA, or their service project gets turned down. The BSA has some very hard/fast rules...and while parents can do ALOT to help their Scouts...it is ultimately up to the Scout to conform to the requirements of the BSA. This is part of Scouting...learning to follow the rules, and having the integrity not to bend/break the rules.


    I could go on...but I've seen numerous Scouts in my time who tried to get away with things and get around rules. They ultimately lost something from the program, and only shorted themselves. In 4 years...these Scouts won't care how many belt loops they've earned.. In 40 years, they may well remember the time they weren't allowed to shape the rules to their own personal desires.

  11. Guess it's just the military training in me...need to have a can/can't rule book to make sure we're all on the same page...

    But...for this issue..I can wait a little while to replace my coat..



  12. Just to throw in my 2 cents... in our Pack, we let our WEBELOS II wear the Tan, and the WEBELOS I wear the blue...transition to the brown shirt is over time, based on the growth of the scout. The unspoken goal is to have their brown shirts by the Blue-&-Gold in Feb...but honestly no-one is ever forced to purchase one over the other.


    This helps provide a visiual with the badges the older WEBELOS Scouts have earned over time...helping to inspire the younger scouts towards their goals. By the time the WEBELOS II transition to Boy Scouts, the WEBELOS I have some badges of their own to wear on their new Brown uniforms...so they aren't as upset about the transition.

  13. Emb,

    I remember in my youth, our troop leaders (and several scouts) wore the Philmont Bull on the left shoulder, and the Northern Tier Loon on the Right. (we had a very active High Adventure group) From your post, Is this allowed, or not? I always understood this was how you were able to show you had been to BOTH places. (but I admit, I always wondered if there was a FL Sea Base patch as well)


    I started reading this thread to see if the new green jacket is replacing the red...and if I should buy a new green one or try to find the red one. (sucks getting older and growing 'out')

    So, as someone who has completed Philmont and is in OA, if I purcase the Green Jacket...can I put the Philmont Bull on the shoulder of the green jacket and my OA patch on the back, (like my Red jacket currently looks) or should I find a new Red one?

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