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About SCOUTER-Brandon

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    Junior Member
  1. Fellow Scouters: I am working to correct ALL the outstanding customer service issues that need to be dealt with. I apologize to all of you for the very long delay in answering and dealing with each of your issues. I am currently the only person handling these and considering the fact that our shipping and order entry system was inaccessible for awhile I have numerous problems to correct and follow up on - in addition to my regular job. Please be patient a little bit longer. I am not ignoring you - just overwhelmed with issues that all need attention NOW at worst and at least a month ago at bes
  2. Please note the following revision to the email address: Anyone with customer service issues with SCOUTER Catalog that need resolving please contact orders@scouter.com with the information. We will be happy to assist you with any problems and questions you may have. We apologize for any inconvenience
  3. Please note the following revision to the email address: Anyone with customer service issues with SCOUTER Catalog that need resolving please contact orders@scouter.com with the information. We will be happy to assist you with any problems and questions you may have. We apologize for any inconvenience
  4. The following message was accidentally deleted-I am re-posting, below. YIS, MaryAnn Posted by: TheCommish (New Member) Posted on: 1/13/2001 10:36:50 PM I hope this will help, but here it is. There is a formal training for COR's. The material should be available through your DE or the Field Director, however, and District Commissioner worth their Insigna should have it as well. As for quality unit? NO. The District Exec is required to visit the COR's or IH's at least once a year for quality District. As for training, I have put together a power point on COR's and Committe Chairs
  5. Due to its length, this thread is closing in 24 hours. I commend the majority of participants on your thoughtful and courteous postings. I remind everyone that use of inappropriate words or remarks will not be permitted on these forums. YIS, MaryAnn
  6. Scouting Community - can anyone help with this or offer suggestions? Subject: Eagle Scout 1963 My husband received his Eagle Scout award in 1963 here in Columbia, MO. We suffered a total house fire in October 1999 and we lost everything, including my husband's Boy Scout and Eagle Scout memorabilia. It is my desire to be able to replace this for him (his Eagle Scout). Our council said they had nothing from 1963 and that we might possibly be able to locate something via the internet. Can you possibly help me?? I would love to be able to replace this for him, especially since our s
  7. I invite you to read the article "Scouter Music" http://www.scouter.com/features/0328.asp and to share words that have been music to your ears, too. Read what has special memories for others in our online Scouting community - http://www.scouter.com/features/0329.asp To submit your quotes email maryann@scouter.com
  8. You may have noticed there are several new forums which have been added over the past few days. These are in response to your requests. At SCOUTER we do listen to what you have to say. The new forums operate with the same rules as the previous forums. Hate messages, or those that contain inappropriate language, or verbal attacks on other participants will not be tolerated and will be removed. SCOUTER will determine whether or not a message is appropriate for the standards of SCOUTER.com. I commend the SCOUTER Community on your conduct on these forums. Every group has an occasiona
  9. I also thank you Mike. While open discussion is healthy for everyone, there is never a place for hatred on SCOUTER or in Scouting. Thank you, and thank all of you who respond quickly to see that such messages are quickly deleted. If you ever question something, please email maryann@scouter.com or editor@scouter.com. Our reponse will be swift. As always, I know I can depend on our online Scouting community for help and support with such situations. BTW, if you have ANY questions you need help with, feel free to email me. I don't always have the answers but can usually find someon
  10. This Thanksgiving, as a Scouter, what are you thankful for?
  11. You may be interested to know that the next issue of SCOUTER Magazine(after the one due to mail this week) will begin a New Regular Section about Scouts with disAbilities. It will feature articles written by Scouters who share the difficulties, the benefits, the practical solutions, the successes of working with these Scouts who, as one Scouter told me, "can do and/or learn most everything any other Scout can do - it just requires a few more creative ways of doing and teaching." Several articles have already been contributed for the initial section. If you or your Scouts wish to share y
  12. [Note from Editor: I accidently deleted this thread. I am reposting it along with the reply.] _______________________________________________________________________ scouter659 New Member Junior Leader Training Posted: Thursday, September 14, 2000: 7:40:54 AM I'm an ASM in a Troop of almost 50 boys. We're entering our 3rd year of having a JLT course which we hold from October through early june. We meet and have classes at a regular meeting once a month and (we camp every month as well) we also hold a class on both Fri. & Sat. at camp throughout the year. It ends with a
  13. Being raised a corn-fed Hawkeye myself, I'm not surprised to hear that Iowa Scouts do great things! Iowa - You not only make me Smile - You Make Me Proud! Keep up the good work. MaryAnn SCOUTER Online Editor
  14. Try the Unit Mangement Software NetCompass Point at http://www.scouter.com/compass/Leaders_Resource/Software/Unit_Management/ You may find what you need there. YIS, MaryAnn Online Editor SCOUTER NetCompass
  15. How about 1. Make an insect zoo 2. Make a terrarium 3. Make a lightning bug lantern 4. Take a plaster cast of animal tracks 5. Take a break during a hike and sit as quiet as possible - afterward talk about all the nature sounds they heard. 6. Push a foot-long stick into the ground. Look at the shadow. Put another stick at the end of the shadow. Check back later to see if the shadow moved. Discuss why? 7. Pick up litter while hiking. 8. Discuss fire safety.
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