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Everything posted by pclinuxguru

  1. Yea I checked as far back as 2000... seems I had a misinformed Advancement Chair and instead of looking it up I trusted what he said. My bad.
  2. Hmm... I see that in the 2011 one... gotta dig up the one I was referring to.. not sure how old it is. Thanks for responding
  3. Scoutnut: Actually ASM's can be on (E)BOR's just like they are also allowed to be serving as committee members. According to the policy the Scout's Scoutmaster and any and all relatives are not allowed to serve on the EBOR. The Scoutmaster can attend the (E)BOR but only as an information source for the Board meaning the board can ask him/her questions about the scout. So a Scoutmaster that is unrelated to the Scout and is from another troop can also serve on the EBOR and any other BOR. For the OP: Well you always have the Scout Spirit requirement unless it's already signed off. I am
  4. What Eamonn said is true. We are not policeman rather guides. We also have kids in our troop that makes mistakes and generally talking to them about it fixes many issues. As long as they do their best is all we can truly ask for. Doing their best to follow the scout law (as it says in the Scout Oath) means they will make mistakes... some not as serious as others.
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