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Everything posted by ozemu

  1. Dannyk for a definitive answer you will have to send a model of the exact type of PDA that you intend using to me and afetr somme years of trials I will be able to help. pls. pretty pls!
  2. Good news sctmom. I've been wondering how you were getting on. I also do Cadets (you know - junior soldiers - ROTC maybe?). One young bloke is tiny. Looks to be many years too young and in his dad's uniform. He can hardly keep up and always looses the step because his legs just aren't long enough. I wish we could issue a smaller uniform but they don't come any smaller! No lesson or moral in this - just thought that there is someone in a worse position than your son here and that might help him take stock of things. Oh yeah, this IS on the verge of irrelevant but as a boy I reme
  3. Hang on Bob, I'm not trying to be flippant or sarcastic here as I know nothing about the college requirements but I see two possibilities. One - she finds something useful about the current training / employemnt of women that points to some improvement Two - evreything is found to be fine as it is. Either way the study improves or validates the system which can only be useful in implementing Scouting. Given some studies I 've read there are issues emerging about recruitment and training of women in the outdoors that are different to the way things have worked for men. Not
  4. AnnaLisa is your thesis intended to review the decision about the boy scout part of BSA as Bob thinks or are you interested in the pro's and con's of women/girls current involvement in BSA? ie Venture scouting and women SM's.
  5. I haven't been able to participate in this thread but am reading with much interest. I still intend to start a similar group here to provide for our middle aged scouts (with the greatest drop out rate). It is good to see the new posters who have made significant contributions. Thanks for joining in. (It's good to see Mike Long also - seems he has survived the first few months as a dad.) Boy led elections seem to be a potential problem. I am wondering about alternatives and Mic-O-Say may have an answer. Could someone post a member to member outline to me pls?
  6. (This message has been edited by ozemu)
  7. In my previous post I mentioned that my PL's decided to clean at our hall after each camp. This is not the ideal. Rather it is a royal pain in the nether end to all concerned and raises issues of scouts not coming to that meeting and other scouts who didn't camp doing cleaning etc. I'm hoping, and continuously remind them, that they are only doing this because they didn't get their act together on camp. Instead we could be playing games etc.... Next step is to get it done at camp by driving them and then letting them compare at the next meeting (while playing games) the previous a
  8. I am in the Northern Rivers district and immediately south is Four Rivers district. The next district below cannot be Southern Rivers as they are in the middle of the state and they also have 4 rivers so they are a bit stuffed. Maybe their name will turn out to be more imaginative. (I bet they name it after the biggest town!)
  9. I cannot comment on your existing rules. Who makes them? I think eisely has it worked out. Society and culture give rise to popular concepts - legal and medical lunacy is backed by precident and multipleid by personal gain. And somewhere the BSA rules have 'come into line' with popular thinking - regardless of how idiotic that may be. BSA rules may be brilliant - I don't know them. I do know that our PL's normally progress to that responsibilty after years of learning . They arrive at PL rank in their final stages and mostly do quite well. Young PL's are battling uphill. PL's you
  10. My Patrol Leaders decided that the camping gear needs to be checked and cleaned at the first meeting after each camp until the gear is cleaned AT camp. This was because they went to camp with dirty pots and pans. Thankfully no tentage was rotten etc. I let things go as far as possible. I was content to wait from one camp to the next for the clean up lesson to come home to roost. Mind you if this had been the canvas the story would have been different. However consequences for actions are inevitable and much more natural than inspections, adult checks etc. Patrols sholud 'own'
  11. I read an article about axies of various kinds. It ran along the lines of countries being unhappy with being discounted by your president. This resulted in a rash of axies and the UN had to decide on the legitimacy of claims. The axis of countries that end with "guay" was discounted becsue its members were made up of Uraguay, Paraguay and Chadguay. Not a good joke I suppose but I had a laugh. By the way I trust our police. And I value my responsibilities more than my freedom's. It seems that most of you are similarly minded.
  12. The police decide. Nightclubs and footpaths do not seem to require knives. I think that a valid reason is an occupation that requires a certain tool.
  13. Benny - fair question. Does that little 'send private mesage button' work? If so the personal attacks and side issues can go that way leaving the discussion as an exchange rather than 'parry - thrust'.
  14. An Australian army folding knife (1901 pattern I think - still manufactured the same) in the top right shirt pocket attached with parachute cord to the button. A folding serrated blade on my roping harness, looking for a plastic hook knife for my pfd, a k-bar on my webbing equipment, a parang style machete on my survival belt,... They are just a tool so I seem to have a few but I'm not fascinated by them. It's illegal here to carry any knife at all anywhere unless there is a valid reason for using them. Farmers here have been stopped in town and told that thier leatherman must
  15. I'm not sure that Scouts Australia would be much interested but I see a solution that I can try locally. Aboriginal culture will have a significant impact on such a programme and I have been developing ceremonies in my Troop with this end in mind. We don't have a summer camp tradition however I have been toying with the idea of doing so. Maybe the two ideas go together. Does your JLT have anything to do with this topic? I have been reading the 'deep question' thread with interest. Thanks ASM7 I will write when I've looked into it a bit more.
  16. The white stag seems to have quite a history. I don't want to interupt the wood badge discussion but in case you haven't seen it here is a link to BP-'White Stag'-Hungary Jamboree etc http://pinetreeweb.com/whitestg.htm Thanks for bringing it up ASM1. The US programme as well as the Pinetree web items will keep me in reading material for a few evenings.
  17. I know the order is a bit members only but I have had an interest for a while and even ran a similar organisation here locally about ten years back as an experiment. Now with a few years more experience I am considering a second attempt. I see it as a way to link our Scouts with Venturers. Our sections do not overlap and the loss between the two is something like 90%. OA should appeal to dedicated Scouts 13-14 years old and our Venturers (15-18 years). But what does a lodge actually do? High adventure, training courses, local camps, monthly evening meetings? I have ideas of my
  18. I recommend an early plan for a medium range goal. ie In six months we will... Have the Scouts choose an achievable hike, paddle, camp, journey, service project. Get something for them to aim for and that might help them get off and running. Link with other Troops after yours has developed some unity and learned a few skills. The boys might be pleasently surprised about how they compare. Mine did and they learned a lot too.
  19. I never sleep without back pain either (home included) and just put up with it. Paracetomol sometimes. When camping I dig a small hole, hip shaped for my nether end. Makes it all a bit more comfortable. If there are limits to what the Scouts use then the adults should operate the same. Otherwise... if you want it you carry it.
  20. Good on you Quixote. I suggest that you get a good stead from which you can tilt. My PL's saved me when I got the job so maybe they can carry you. My guys really enjoyed the responsibility. And that might clobber windmill #2!
  21. From the point of view of trust and training I agree with yaworski and sctmom. Bob White has it for policy and patrol method. Have had bike hike for one of my patrols (no adult on the track) within the last month with no problems. However maybe also consider these: Are the boys trained in stabilising a spinal injury of the cervix and maintaining ABC's? This being the worst case that I can think of other than death through head injury. Where is the most remote spot for the worst case to occur? Now the math: Time for them to get to you at the trailer? plus Time fo
  22. Using james clegg's reference I think there is a set of spanish clip art archives / collections that are not indexed or described in any more detail than #21 etc. If your computer is faster than this clunky thing I'm using you can check them. Each page has lots of pictures available mon a set theme. There is at least one page full of BP in different styles. Just download and cut and paste using your favourite program. Sorry can't be more specific but am not on my own pc tonight.
  23. I resemble that remark sctmom! kruggiano there is an SPL out there somewhere so I think that makes you an old and wrinkly.
  24. The 20 minutes idea is good. I have had to explain to my daughter that I can coach her in Scout stuff at home so at Scouts she is going to be last in line. Also I refuse to sign her off for anything. This is a little unfair because she has one less person to go to than everyone else but I don't want her to be criticised for being favoured. On the other hand she doesn't have to call me Emu. About half call me by first name anyway. I am, will always be he dad - uniforms make no difference to this fact. This is against local norms but it seems a bit artificial otherwise.
  25. Thanks fella's, certainly the experience helped. I'm not sure that it is the panacea that will solve all his problems though. The work done can be undone by his sensitivity to criticism from peers about Scouts, family stuff etc. He is now a PL and loves the importance and is at least accepting the responsibilities. And the journey continues...
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