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Posts posted by nugent725

  1. Frank,


    That's just a regular Chaplain patch, for the Unit level Chaplain. I've never seen one specific for District or Council. However, the Unit Chaplain is still available through Supply Division...it is listed under Boy Scout Insignia (with the youth positions).



  2. The only ones I've ever worn are the Oscar de la Renta's, and the Centennials. Between the two, I say that the de la Renta's beat the centennials hands down. On a side note, what is with Supply Division making full uniforms out of nylon? Do they not realize that scouting/camping at some point is likely to involve fire? Nylon melted onto skin...not fun. Then again thats just my $.03.





  3. There is another Council facility in Valley Forge, from before the 1996 merger of Philadelphia and Valley Forge Councils. Since the area that Cradle of Liberty covers is large both geographically, and demographically, they decided to keep both centers open and run out of both offices.


    Additionally, I wouldn't put too much stock in any Philadelphia journalism...90% of it is yellow journalism garbage, which is why I refuse to buy the Inquirer or Daily News. As of this writing, Cradle of Liberty's website hasn't mentioned the issue (http://colbsa.org).(This message has been edited by nugent725)

  4. Moose,


    As far as I understand it, they're not evicted...CoL won the suit that the city filed to try to evict them. Since CoL won, they are entitled to seek compensation for their legal fees...at Philadelphia's expense. The two year period would just be the actual time frame that is agreed upon for transfer of ownership. Essentially, the city is trying to get out of paying the $1m in legal fees by saying "you can buy the building at a discount rate, and we won't have any grounds to attempt evicting you". At least that's if I understand all of this correctly.





  5. Apparently, this show had its debut in January...somehow, I'm just finding out about it now. The show is called Apocalypse Man on The History Channel, and its about realistic survival methods in an urban environment. There's quite a few tips to learn and teach the youth.





  6. Fellow Scouters,


    Last Wednesday was our District Roundtable, which centered on re-construction. I couldn't be too much help, because it was my first RT as an adult leader. However, the general topic was how to re-build the meetings...we had to start over from scratch, even a new DRTC. Our biggest problem, which led it to this, is attendance. We might, on a good night, be represented by a total of 8 units (out of 40-something) and a few district committee people. What I found to be kind of self-defeating, is the fact that we have a room of the same 12-15 people trying to decide how to improve these meetings; yet, what would improve the meetings is a higher attendance rate, and more than just the same ol' faces. I could at least understand if all the units were represented by just one person...the solution would be have each person bring someone new.


    So, my question is: How do we revitalize these roundtables, and increase attendance? Also, I apologize if the above seemed like incoherent rambling...I was just trying to get all my thoughts in order.


    Yours in Scouting,


    Ryan Nugent

    ASM, Troop 246

    Cradle of Liberty

  7. dScouter,


    I say its borderline, in a sense. If you're looking at it from the adult perspective, you have a message heard as "We like it cool and creamy...in our face", which at the very least raises an eyebrow, if not a flag. However, from a youth perspective its more or less "hey we're getting whipped cream in the face!"...which is much less suggestive, and much more innocent and fun. So sometimes you may have to look at things from their point of view. If the "suggestive reference" wasn't how you were taking it, I do apologize...but keep in mind that others may view it that way as well. Scoutfish and adams hit it on the head - if it gets to anything that isn't suggestive, just outright obvious and wrong, then you absolutely have to put an immediate end to it. As adams said, if you're not comfortable with it, then avoid it...


    Personally, if it were me, I'd say why decide if a grey area is more black or more white if you can avoid it entirely? There are still a plethora of other skits to choose from...most of which are actually just flat out funnier.





  8. Figured I'd put in my $.02...


    I say that if you earned them...wear them. However, it has to be done in good taste. I agree with ScoutBox said, you can tell when someone is wearing their uniform to the fullest out of pride...and when their doing it to show off. As long as your reasons for wearing what you wear don't put you in the latter category, I say go for it.

    As for myself, I only currently have my Eagle, and will admit to being guilty that I'm "working on" my Scouter's Training Award (but the logic behind wearing that one is to show the youth and parents that the adult leadership is properly trained/qualified). However, I do agree with some of the other folks on here that certain things should apply to certain programs...it looks goofy wearing Cub training knots in Venturing. However, if you earned something on the district/council level (training or any of the Silver animals), I say wear it on any program shirt. Sometimes less is more, sometimes more is more...as long as you do it tactfully and don't do it so you can brag, show off, or create a website about it then you're fine.





  9. Gern,



    On your last two posts you hit the nail on the head...my sentiments exactly.


    BTW, for those interested...Scouting For All sells an unofficial knot for $5, so you can show that you support Scouting being all-inclusive. Its www.scoutingforall.com . What I like about this group is that although they disagree with the BSA policy, they still encourage people to stay in/join Scouting, because of the opportunities it offers and lessons it teaches.

  10. all that jazz is just entirely too much. IMHO, as several others have said: walking staff, stretcher poles, etc. Emergency supplies/first aid should be kept in a separate pouch...with maybe the exception of a hole filled with matches and such for starting a fire if the need arises.

  11. I finally finished my staff...considering it is my first home-made staff (which I found looking for firewood), I decided simplicity was the key. So I cut it down to a length where the bottom was just too wide for a rubber foot I had, put the rubber foot on with construction adhesive, made a handle with 550 paracord, and coated it with polyeurathane. I added a personal touch at the end by attaching, with a screw, a set of mala beads (kind of the Buddhist equivalent of a rosary). This way not only do I have them everywhere I hike...but it reminds me to appreciate the Zen in everything we see in life...

  12. First, by stating "reversing Dale" in my original post, I meant the concept of openly allowing homosexuals into the BSA. I probably should've made more of a distinction between the reversal of Dale and the legal implications that would carry.


    Second, I highly doubt that the issue is that they want to "pierce, change, and destroy American cultural values" and all that nonsense. Homosexuals are not trying to get into the BSA simply to make sure tat they can get into whatever organizations, and sue COs, troops, councils, etc. The concept is that by excluding them, you are effectively saying that they are different and should be treated differently. All they want is equality...I say give it to them.





  13. Sherminator,


    I didn't see your post when I replied to perdidochas' post...otherwise I would have said "Here, Here". I completely agree with that notion. Also, think of the resources that will be saved from not constantly being in a courtroom over the same issue over and over again...not to mention the whole fact that from a PR standpoint, this has been not but a "crapstorm" (to put it politely).

  14. I was holding off on posting my reply, because I didn't want the original post and my reply to look like one garbled mess.




    That's actually not a bad idea...this way its kind of a "to each his own" style policy, as far as the CO goes. This would generally be in the same boat as a CO having the right to choose (or not choose) an individual to be a leader based upon their religion. However, I am curious as to what happens when you have a council that wants to enforce a non-discrimination policy, and a CO that insists on discriminating due to its belief system.


    I think that amending the BSA "by-laws" to be inclusive of everyone will only help us. Aside from the fact that we would now have more youth involved (thus giving us the chance to impact more young people's lives, and set them on the right path), we would also see the return of more funding, support, etc. from public and private sources...plus the ability to charter in public facilities once again (public schools, military bases, etc.). Just as a reminder, here is a short list of companies that have stopped donating to the BSA due to their current policy (some have stated that they would fund again, if the policy were rescinded): Levi Strauss and Company; Medtronic, Inc. of Minneapolis, MN; Well's Fargo Bank; Portland General Gas and Electric of Portland Oregon; The Providence Journal; Textron; Fleet Bank; IBM Corporation; United Way.



    Personally, I feel that Scouting should be a safe haven...for one and all. How often do we say on these boards, when discussing a troubled youth, "He needs Scouting now more than ever" or something to that effect. Plus, I find it rather hypocritical to tell a Scout they must adhere to the code of being Friendly, Courteous, and Kind...but then tell them that they must look down on and treat someone like they are less of a person because they are different. Would this debate have gotten this far if it had been based on race, not orientation? Additionally, I don't see how orientation should matter because it is a youth organization that has no relation to sexuality (of either orientation).


    I apologize for the long post, and ranting...just some things I had to say.


    Yours in equal Scouting,



  15. Here's a question to generate some debate and discussion...


    What do you think would be the impact if the Supreme Court were to overturn Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale 530 U.S. 640 (2000).


    Case briefing and opinion of the court, as delivered by Justice Rehnquist: http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/99-699.ZO.html


    Note: This is NOT a thread on your opinion of whether or not homosexuality is immoral or not...simply what would happen if homosexuals were permitted to participate in the BSA.


  16. jblake,


    I must say, that idea is actually quite ingenious. I think I might have to adopt that idea (with some minor tweaking).


    When I started this thread, I only meant it to be kind of a "look how ridiculous this thing sounds". But after hearing some the ideas presented, I like hearing how some of you have taken a simple stick (or other thick wooden object) and turned it into a tool of survival, communication, etc...KEEP THE IDEAS FLOWING!!


    You never know, someone who reads a post on here might take your idea of how to turn your staff into a survival tool...and it might save their life in a survival situation. These are all great ideas that should be shared.





  17. Scoutnut,


    Allow me to clarify something, when I said "as long as it fits..." it was under the presumption that it was in some way a BSA issued/approved patch. Once again, I direct attention to the link I provided for the Uniform Insignia Guide (where I told the OP to go to Temporary Insignia)...it clearly states that the patch must have this, that, and the other (such as BSA, fleur-de-lis, etc.). I am not saying that just anything can be put there...simply, anything that fits within the specs that the insignia guide states.





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