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asm 411

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Posts posted by asm 411

  1. I don't encourage my Scouts to set thresholds for leadership positions. I encourage my Scouts to think about what the leadership position entails and vote for the Scout who can get it done.


    Last year we had a Scout who had been with our Troop for 6 years and just passed the swimmers test for First Class. He just had mental block about it. He has mounds of camping experience, great Scout skills and held several other PORs in the past. He was elected SPL and did a good job. If he had failed the swimmers test again should he have been denied the chance to run for SPL, I don't think so.


    Our troop currently has two 12 year old Star Scouts. Are they ready to be SPL? I can't tell you for sure, and it is not my decision. The Scouts will pick who they think is best. They may make a horrible mistake but you know that is a lesson it itself isn't it.


    My point is we don't need to put limitations on Positions of Responsibility we need to teach Scouts to think about the candidates and if they can get the job done.


    Just my 2 cents.

  2. We had used homogeniously mixed patrols for about 6 months last year. The trouble we had was that the boys of similar ages grouped together at meetings and campouts. Last September I had just finished reading Bill Hillcout's Scoutmaster's Handbook from 1959, I think that is the year. I don't know the exact wording but it basically said let the Scouts decide who should be in their Patrols.


    So I made sheet with all the Scouts names on it. Each Scout was asked to pick up to 10 Scouts he most wanted in his patrol. (We only allow up to 8 in Patrols for the most part) I then plotted this information on a spreadsheet with the boys names on both the vertical and horizontal. I made special notes when Scouts picked each other or more importantly if 3 or more Scouts pick each other.


    What we found was that Scouts seemed to like being with Scouts within a year or two of their age most of the time. So we have mixed age patrols but the age differences don't stretch 7 years the biggest difference is 3 years and that is only on case. When our Webelos crossed over we kept them together.


    At our PLC meeting last Saturday our SPL asked if we should rearange the Patrols so the new Scouts could have a chance to be mentored by an older Scout. I was about to ask him why and talk about older Scout pitching in if needed when a 7th grade Patrol leader said simply "I would rather we didn't". A long discussion followed and what we decided was that we would set up some sort of system for trading patrol members. In this way we can tweak the existing patrols when needed but the strong teams that have formed over the last year would stay together. We ran out of time so the discussion will continue next month. I am not sure what the criteria will be but not being fond of rules or guidelines it will probably be pretty open but an honest commitment. Meaning the Scout involved and both Patrols have to be happy with the change and the Scout will need to remain in his new Patrol for some set period of time.


    Hope this helps,



    PS I am with Barry; "I love this Scouting Stuff."!(This message has been edited by ASM 411)

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