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Jason OK

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Posts posted by Jason OK

  1. Boleta,


    You have a great point! But I have to disagree with you on the law part. I believe Reverence was put in the Law because our Scout elders realized man kind must have a God to function on this earth thus practice their faith in order to achieve your lifes best blessings .....but I guess my question has more to do with how does a scout or scouts practice their faith.....(on camping trips) chapel service. Here in Oklahoma I remember a lot of times openly practicing Christian beliefs. I would hate to offend someone, so I guess is there a more political correct code today? No church services on camp outs if everyone are not of the same faith? Does that make my question clearer? As far as your Eagle board....I hope you let the Scout know the difference between Reverence and a specific religion with out reprimand :).

    (This message has been edited by Jason OK)

  2. Yes but........mmm.... I thought a Chaplin was of Christian origin. Although I do understand the idea of Reverence......I think back in the day it wasn't an issue (most people were of the Judeo' Christian faith) Now it's a different story and thats why I'm asking.....

  3. OK.....what is the environment today with Reverence in Scouting? I want to get back into Scouting and I find this question very important. For example........saying grace at meals......praying to open up meetings.......having a small service on Sunday camping. It's been over 15 yrs since I was a scout and all these things were very much acceptable. Now a born again Christian I feel Reverence in Scouting is soooo important and should be not only practiced but taught as well (by example). Scout Masters....what do you think? Adults what do you think?

  4. Ok,


    So I need to look into Girls Scouts (non wimpy troop) :) I want my daughter to experience all the high adventure back packinging I did and then some. Sounds like GS might not be so bad after all.

  5. As I mentioned in my other post...I took my camera to Philmont....I lost my camera at philmont. I have been looking on the web for photos at Philmont but have only found low quality photos. If anyone has photos of Philmont they want to send me it would appreciated......who knows I might even start a website or maybe the Scouter Network would like to post them......I would like to make wallpaper and screensavers. Mainly show my wife New Mexico is not all desert. Man I feel old! Here I am, a grown man and savoring those days when I was at Philmont! Trying to tell my wife about it. Hope this post is OK.



  6. Please do not think I have anything against Girl Scouts....When my

    9 yr old brought home info on joining the girl scouts I got excited.

    After reviewing the info I can say I was no longer excited...actually disappointed. The Girl Scout Law says (I will try) to do my best. And my oldest needs to understand at her age (9) that there is no trying to do her best but just to DO HER BEST. I was also in Cub Scouts......and to be honest, all I remember is making candles and derby cars. I wish I knew what happened to my derby car. Hope no one here took offense. I never had a father and scouting probably saved me.......now Jesus is my father and I would like to give back to scouting what it gave me.


  7. I am the typical boy scout drop out. I went to Philmont, Senior patrol leader, OA Member, and all I lacked to become Eagle was a couple of merit badges and my service project.


    Now 27, married with 2 daughters (yes I am a Mr. Mom) I find myself day dreaming about what life would have been like if I would have got my Eagle. Not that I don't love my wife or children. I just need some testosterone in my life. Actually one thing I think about is when I went to Philmont....took my camera.....lost my camera...hahahahahaha I have seriously been thinking about joining a local troop (as an adult leader) but how do you go about doing that when you know no one nor have a child to take. I can only imagine the hurtles I might have to overcome..... (is this guy a perv?) lol Thats what I would think. I considered girl scouts for my older girl but I got a hold of their scout law ......the phrase "I will try" I believe sets them up for failure so I decided not to go that route. Besides, Boy Scouts is so much cooler! Well what does this 27 yr old Mr. Mom (going through his early life crisis) do?


    Opinions welcomed and needed!




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