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Jason OK

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Posts posted by Jason OK

  1. Oh my.......When I say Christians I mean Gentiles. This does include you Catholics which I have nothing against. In fact with out Peter (your founder) we would not have the Protestants. The written word is printed today more than any other time. You are correct. Dang this is going to turn into a history lesson. Listen, the dark ages were dark. And the word was used as a form of control. In fact the bible was usually chained to the pulpit. Dont believe me? Crack a book or ask your priest. (Here is where I teach the philosophy about knowledge and self education through reading books and how it preserves forms of Democracy and protects against Tyrannies.) Never mind. (My wife loves to debate Catholicism and the worship of idols (as she says) and I always take Catholics side)but do not make me reference how many times the church and the Monarchy got confused about their positions during the dark ages and other times. Before the Dark ages the word was distributed "more" than the dark ages. I could go on and on and on.....all the way to the tribes of Israel. Never Mind.....

    (This message has been edited by Jason OK)

  2. Boleta & Twocubdad ,


    Get the facts straight. If you really want to talk about history lets talk.....because your example is poor! Christians all over this world are being slaughtered in the name of Islam. How can anyone call the Nazi's Christians (Japan being where the Nazi's got their religious ideas with mainly secret cults) Turn on the History Channel and maybe you might learn something. Jews have been persecuted but thats no surprise. God spayed they would be. Pull your heads out of the sand. I can fill this post with news article after news article Christians are being persecuted and slaughtered as never before in places like India, Africa, and the middle east. Either your a fool or have a religious agenda you will not admit. I am, what I am. Boleta you sound like a politician & a Muslim. Which is fine. I can state my religious beliefs but you hide like a coward!

    (This message has been edited by Jason OK)

  3. One thing I can do is admit when I get overly passionate and lose my focus concerning a subject. It is the debater in me. Fuzzy......my apologies. In my other post...well......just a observation to balance the hand that was dealt. Maybe not the best way to deal the hand but none the less dealt. I do not believe we will be on this earth very much longer anyway. So I am not worried about who is right and who is wrong. I am right. LOL :) I took offense when Christians were referred to fanatical. Fanatical in todays terms seem so evil. I would prefer Holy Rollers or Jesus Freaks. Much better insult. ;) Which I can be at times :) I have only been saved for a year, so the sinner in me loves to show its head (big mouth) from time to time. I make that statement for clear reasons. I do not wish to turn anyone away from christ.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)

  4. Boleta,


    Rocky was a fictional movie about a non-fictional boxer.




    I respect and admire your control. but do not use the opportunity to heighten your sense of being. Please realize I noted in my post what I was saying was not politically correct. And I am certainly not a youth pastor. (if referring to me) When you do make your call remember I laid myself out there to share what a lot of adults are thinking. And as a Christian I am not perfect. I know it is easier for a non believer to pick apart a believer so please spare me the imbursement. (Regardless if you believe or not) There was no name calling......I used descriptive terms to point an observation. What I am more curious about hearing is "Do we as adults long for the Norman Rockwell days of scouting?" Boys were clean cut.....and clean dressed. And men could be thanked for a large part of that assured upbringing. I remember the first Scout Meeting I ever attended....the boys all had a sense of respect that only a man has late in his life. I came from a broken home were I had no male role model so maybe I am more observant in this area. I can definitely see it becoming more and more a problem in todays boys. More and more moms making the decision to be a single parent. I can't remember the last time I saw a couple of boys playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians. I would be afraid to let my kids play that way in front of other parents in fear that I would be reported to child services. Oh no future serial killers. I hope this makes the issue clearer.

    (This message has been edited by Jason OK)

  5. When was the last time you saw a Christian in the news cutting off someones head? Christian Fanatics are followers of Jesus........if anything they kill their enemies with kindness. The last times Christians lost their way was in the dark ages when books were not readily available and the word was not taught (rather religion was a form of control) hence the pilgrims...mayflower...hello? Muslims Fanatics are taught the word from a very young age. CNN showed a group of Muslim children studying the Koran while bobbing their heads constantly for 12 hour days. This is fine to me. We are all human and imperfect. That is why Christ died on the cross.

  6. I would like everyones feedback.



    Scouting is changing.....I never said it wasn't. Scouts has lost its NADS! When I look at the imagery the Scouts promote we look like wimps! Or a bunch of Dorks in uniform. I joined scouts when it seemed more rugged! If membership is declining it's because the scouts image needs to toughen up. You have to admit it. Did ROCKY train at Bally's in a fancy work-out suit or did he train in an old school gym? The uniform is finewe just do a bad job of advertising ourselves. If all you see are trees then back up and look at the forest! Because it is people in higher positions doing nothing that contributes to our decline. What I said was SCOUTS should not change. If the B.S.A does not stand up to activist judges and people who are too liberal minded you can kiss the B.S.A good-bye. I also think women should have nothing to do with Boy Scout Leadership....it messes up the whole concept. The rules get too complicated. Cub Scouts should have more men involved.......Sometimes I think Cub Scouts is an excuse for women to get together and talk crap about their husbands. Boys need fathers. Girls need mothers. And I don't mean gay parents. I have noticed cub scouts with all women leadership act very feminine and cubs that have more men act more manly. Sometimes being Politically correct is not the correct thing to do. Trust me..I love and respect women..I just like things simple.


  7. Fuzzy Bear........don't take the bible out of context.


    The Bible also teaches us that Christians are to meet together on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:2). We cannot do all God has given us to do unless we meet together (see Ephesians 5:19; I Corinthians 16:2). Neither, can we follow the example of the early Christians in the Bible (I Corinthians 11; I Corinthians 14).


    The Bible teaches us to worship together in order to encourage the saints. We can't do that at home. Hebrews 10:25 says, "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another....." Notice the word is "assembling" not "assembly." This passage has often been quoted as "forsaking the assembly" in an effort to get people to come to church at the appointed times. Even though it does not specifically refer to the appointed worship times, it does not exclude it. Notice the PURPOSE is to exhort one another. When we come together and worship together, we exhort one another (see also Colossians 3:16). What does it say when we miss worship services for avoidable excuses? Not only does it fail to exhort one another, but can even be a "stumbling block" to others which is sin (Romans 14:13). It encourages them to have the same lackadaisical attitude about worship as you have.


    When we choose to disregard the authoritative decision that has been made concerning worship, we disregard the authority of God (I Peter 5:1-5; Romans 13:1).

  8. Dang Bob.....you tear jerker you! Jesus died for all of our sins. There is so much cool stuff I am learning concerning the crucifiction of Jesus. Why is his blood so symbolic..(concerning Angels not lambs).....why did Christ have to die at 3:30....where were the sacraficial lambs born? Bethlaham........Why did water and blood come out when his side was pierced (cardiogenic shock). What people mostly know about Christ is that he died for our sins...which is true and accurate.....but if people would study the word they would find out there is much more to the story thats hard to explain away.

  9. Hey Lets Vote for Kerry......the Anti Christ is do anyway! I can't wait for the Rapture! You guys know I am kidding.....The Anti Christ is suppose to come from Europe anyway. Kerry will just help the Anti Christ. Hey I can't stand it when Bush speaks but I love him as a Leader thats not concerned about what other people think.

  10. Boleta you said


    "An organization that does not evolve with changing times will fail to survive."


    YOU ARE SOOOOO WRONG! An Organization is NOT a business. A business must change according to supply and demand but an organization such as B.S.A has CORE beliefs. As does the United States of America. (which has the constitution.) And although the constitution can be amended; our founding fore-fathers made it such a pain in the butt most amendments would never occur. I am curious to hear your story. It is getting to be apparent we do not see eye to eye on core matters such as these. The United States is the MOST Powerful nation in the world because our constitution is so brief. It gives man rights endowed by God. These CORE beliefs are our strength....they are the sinew that binds this country as a whole body. Thus, if the B.S.A changes the B.S.A will be no more! Mothers and Fathers put there kids in Scouts to help them strengthen the core values they're also trying to teach their children. I don't wanna see my boy saying look daddy it's gay pride day at camp. Or look dad they were passing out condoms at scouts tonight.


  11. I used to call myself an Atheist but then I realized most Atheist are really Agnostic. I hated the idea of believing in a GOOD God. Now a parent of two girls I realize the mistake of MY upbringing. Jesus was not in my life. Parents that say they rather have their children make-up their own mind concerning God are more likely in a on-going struggle with God. Eventually I realized it wasn't God I had the problem with, it was the hypocrites around me that I had the problem with.


    Isaiah 54:13

    And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.


    Yes, I am Christian now....but before I knew better I used to say things like "You don't have to go to church to believe in God."

    Read your bible. (if Christian) or Koran for that Matter. I too used to say such things.


    People, God is not struggling with us, it's us struggling with him.

    That's why we try to conform God into something our flesh (mind) rather accepts. To know Gods grace is to live life by faith and to feed our faith we must read the word. Let's face it.....people suck.....how many times have you needed something from someone (especially comfort) and they could not deliver. We have to have God in our lives. If not, we will always be lost.


    (John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)


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