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Everything posted by Hal_Crawford

  1. BeaverIII: At least they know what Trojans are, that knowledge might help them to "Be Prepared" in later life. I'd hate to think what the patrol cheer would be. What if you had a Trojan AND a Beaver patrol in the same troop? They could SO get thrown out of camp. Narraticong: Your troop seems to love math. How about a Pi patrol? Lots of potential for patrol cheers but I would go with "Hmmmm, Pi" Its a personal project of mine A new value for pi to assign I'd set it at three It's much easier you see Than 3.14159 Hal
  2. Since 1934 automatic weapons have been subject to pretty tight regulation and only two murders have been committed using those weapons. Sounds like a triumph for gun control. Am I correct that private citizens can still buy fully automatic weapons, just not ones manufactured since 1986? If I'm wrong then tell the NRA as this comes from their website (http://www.nraila.org/Issues/factsheets/read.aspx?ID=130). BTW, the NRA speaks of the underhanded way in which Representatives Hughes and Rangel got the Hughes amendment passed but they don't mention how it managed to get through the Sen
  3. I remember my dad describing someone as "a big shot; with a dot over the oh". Hal
  4. Yeah, Gern. I'll bet your mother encouraged you to masticate at the dinner table. Hal
  5. Hold the phone Shortridge. Do those cubs point their squirt guns at each other? Section IX-Unauthorized Activities: "Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized". Those squirt guns could be construed as simulated firearms. To paraphrase Capt. Renault, I'm shocked, shocked to hear that cubs play with squirt guns. Hal
  6. Thank you for your service. Glad you didn't have cause to betray your country. Hal
  7. I don't think it is that big a leap given that the "famous American statesman" in question was the president of the Confederacy. His state may have seceded but he chose to seek and accept a leadership position contrary to the oath he swore as an officer in the US army. That is treason. Hal
  8. Calico: Your post reminded me of an award ceremony I lit in Atlanta in the 1970's. The winner for the Best Experimental Theatre production was a play called The River Niger. The presenter was a local drama critic, a white woman in her 70's. She opened the envelope and mispronounced the winner in the worst way possible. The audience let out a collective gasp and then held its breath. The presenter apparently did not know what she had said. The recipient, an african american director, accepted the award rather cooly and gave his acceptance speech without acknowledging what had been sai
  9. One of my colleagues sat on a jury recently in DC. The accused was convicted of a murder he committed using a semi-automatic version of an Ak47. Guess he didn't get the memo about preferring more concealable handguns. The DC snipers in 2002 used a variation of the AR15, legally purchased, to kill a number of peoplein our area, one of the murders close to where I live. I realize that these are anecdotal incidents and may not compare to the level of handgun crime. In fact I do not particularly support the assault weapons ban. I do support tighter regulation on the sale and ownership
  10. I would also suggest talking to all your ASMs and telling them that they are not to hold Scoutmaster's Conferences without your specific direction. It is yours to delegate. This arms the young ASM with the response, when approached by a pushy parent, with the response,"I am not authorized to conduct an SMC; you have to talk to Mr. Maynard." If an ASM holds an SMC against your instructions then you should talk to the CC about removing the ASM from the troop. Hal
  11. And who was John Browning's biggest customer? Who bought the bulk of the M1911s, the M1917s, the BARs, and the Ma deuces? You guessed it, the US government. Without that customer Browning's name would not be nearly as well known. As far as I know, Eugene Stoner only designed military weapons. Again, without government contracts would we even know his name? How many of the firearms manufacturers would exist if it weren't for government contracts? Innovation was driven by developing the products that the customer (the government) wanted. Hal
  12. "All that initiative, innovation, and invention was done without the government" Really? Much of our innovation has come out of the military, the space program, the National Institutes of Health, research grants to universities and various government contracts. The internet that you use to post your opinions was developed with a lot of government money (USAF, NSF to name a couple). While I am sure you can think of some I am presently at a loss to think of any significant innovations that occurred completely without the government especially when you consider that most inventions are p
  13. The next time you hear someone referred to as a geek have them look it up. Or just ask if he/she bites the heads off of chickens and snakes.
  14. Shortridge: Thank you for clarifying the hatchet/hand ax issue. Mile High had me going there. I will now retrieve the hand axes from the dumpster ;-). Hal
  15. Sniper fire harassed the British but it did not win the war. Infantrymen could fire three rounds a minute with the smooth bore but Brown Bess. They used pre-made paper cartridges and the ball pretty much dropped to the bottom of the barrel. A rifle on the other hand required that the ball be set on a patch and rammed with considerable effort down the barrel. Riflemen did not use paper cartridges so they had to deal with a powder horn and measure as well as patch cloth and knife. The process is slow and you could well have a British bayonet in you before you reloaded. Trenton was won
  16. In our troop it is tradition to start all BORs with the Oath and the Law. It is not a retest and to my knowledge no one has ever been denied advancement because the forgot. It is merely viewed as a formal start to a formal occasion. You do learn a lot about a scout's spirit by how he is uniformed, how he stands and makes the scout sign and delivers the words that are supposed to guide his every action as a scout. When I was CC I chaired an EBOR and the scout went up (actor's phrase for forgetting his lines) on the Scout Law. I think he made it to "Helpful". Every attempt got him f
  17. How did we ever win the Revolutionary War with such bad weapons, as BadenP claims we had? Another history scholar. Brent: How did we win? Both sides were using the same muskets, the flaws balanced each other out. Battle lines would face off at close range and fire volleys. Some muskets would misfire, some might blow up but most would fire. Individually they were not accurate but the regiments made in affect a giant shot gun. Ultimately the more disciplined side would advance with bayonets and the other side would probably fall back. The winning side was usually the British.
  18. When did this become about Catholics?
  19. Mile High: When I took IOLS about 7 years ago they did demonstrate the use of hatchets although I remember the trainer saying that he thought that BSA would eventually ban them because of safety concerns. I checked and the word hatchet is not used in either the Scout Handbook or the Scoutmaster's Handbook in use at that time so perhaps the trainer was off base. If the BSA does not want scouts to use hatchets then why don't they say "the use of hatchets is prohibited"? Like the issue of sheath knives they take a non-position. Seems kind of passive-aggressive don't you think? Hal
  20. Hops-Scout: Here's the link to Gallup. http://www.gallup.com/Home.aspx Other polls may have different numbers. While at Gallup take a look at the numbers for State of the Nation and Consumer Confidence-frightening! Hal
  21. You can't go wrong with Shakespeare. I couldn't use your script because I am not an Eagle and would feel somewhat the poser welcoming a new Eagle to a band of brothers to which I don't belong. The Henry V speech is one of my favorites though, and not just because Henry and I share a nickname. I have used the plot of Hamlet as a campfire story a couple of times. I don't use the name but rather call him the Danish prince. A couple of the older scouts and about half the adults made the connection. I've thought of using the "Scottish play" as well (theatre superstition leads me to refr
  22. I had not noticed that hatchets are not mentioned in G2SS or Totn'chip. We still teach and use hatchets in out unit. How are we to interpret the omission of the word "hatchet". Perhaps since Totin'chip says "Use knife, ax, and saw as tools, not playthings."we can infer that hatchets may be used as playthings;-). Really, have hatchets been banned by omission? If so, shouldn't they say so? I am trying to imagine telling our SM (who is on a much deserved vacation) that we need to stop using hatchets because it is specifically omitted. I think my head is going to explode. Hal
  23. Yes, according to Gallup, Obama's approval rating has plunged to 67%. Down from a high of 69% right after the inauguration.
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