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Game with a Purpose

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Everything posted by Game with a Purpose

  1. Prepaaring for my 5th WB corse as staff; I'm coordinating the Closing. We try to sing "In My Dreams" as participants leave, but are usually too choked up to get through it. It occurred to me that it would be good to have a recorded version playing in the background, so participants can actually hear it. I have a piano "note by note" version, but can't find one with filks actually singing it. I talked to staff about recording it in advance, but all were concerned about our poor rendition. Does anyone out there have one, or know where I might be able to download one? I told our staff I'd querey you good folks before i "forced" them to record our own version... Thanks! Game with a Purpose
  2. Well said, SR540 & ctb. To me they can mean the same thing. The really critical aspect is that the adults clearly understand their role. Leave it all up to the boys, and it could be game time all the time. I prefer to tell Scouters during training that the program is boy led, but adult run. After all, it's the adults who are responsible for following guidelines, rechartering, signing MB cards, approving and filing forms for rank advancement, etc. When explained to leaders, this definition seems to make sense to most.
  3. My Troop Guide gave us guidence on this for each ticket item. Could be a pic., could be a note, whatever was appropriate. For example, I presented a "What Knot-Why Not" game I developed for Scouts at 2 Roundtables (a game with a purpose - luv that!. The RT Commissioner just wrote a note for me saying so. One thing my TG said, I have used as a TG, and told TG's when I was ASM for TGs, was re those ticket items that might be a little more difficult. It was: "A Scout is trustworthy. Scouters should be too. Because of this, when you tell You've completed it, I'll take your word for it". So, I suggest to contact your TG to review verifications - after all, it;s the TG would signs off on your ticket. Hope this helps. Just an Ol' B'ar riding his ticket...GwaP
  4. Been readin' on & off for a while, but now having only 1 son left in Scouting (following his 2 Eagle bros) Im takin more time to enjoy all these threads; made my first post last month. Was a Cub Scout 1.5 yrs., moved away and never rejoined 'till son did - been a Scouter now 13+ yrs, holding all Pack leader positions, ASM, and now DC. Getting ready to be on my 4th WB staff. Got to be ASM with our Council's Jambo Troop joining 42,000+ of my closest Scout friends. What an honor, privilege, and amazing experience! Mike Rowe was AWESOME!! Looking forward to the World Jambo coming to the good ol' USofA!! And, reading and commenting here. As our SPL says at circle: "Scouting Rocks!
  5. "Iy never ceases to amaze..." Reading many of these post reminds me of many a greybeard who constantly lament on "Scouting ain't what it used to be" Good! Many of these folks also lament the decline in the number of Scouts - many times attributed to being out of touch with the "real world." I'm reminded of the centennial uniform shirts with the sleeve pocket with a hole in it - for electronic devices, for cripes sake! What is this program coming to?! The BSA must change with the times, or membership will further erode. The same is true with WB. Outdoor skills are taught elsewhere - it ain't what WB is now about. Neccessary training? No. A chance to learn and forge Scouting friendships? Definately! I don't belive BP or GBB ever imagined the program would remain static - evolution is natural. Is it worth it? For most - YES. Gotta do it? No. Would I recommend it? If you plan to stay in it for a few more years, yep. If nothing else, the contacts/frenships alone will make it worth your while. Just an ol' B'ar riding his ticket...
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