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Posts posted by fboisseau

  1. I could not agree more with sctmom. I know there are a lot of things that I could of done different running my Webelos den. Some of the main ones are as follows.

    - No Den Chiefs, tried for years to get a den chief from the troop. Finally got one just before my last 2 den meetings. (Introduced him to a Bear den that meets on the night he preferred.)

    - No enough outings. No time on my part to plan with work, planning den meetings.

    - Not enough intergreation with the troop on camping and other activities.

    - No one that I could call to get information or help on finding out about opportinities.


    What am I going to do about this? I have decided to stay with the pack as the Pack Trainer (Been there, done that, got the t-shirts). I am also going to be the troop committe member dealing with outreach to Pack and Webelos Dens. In these positions, I am going to make sure that all Pack leaders are trained for thier position and make my self available to help them come up with ideas and plan their programs. I am also going to work with the troop so that Webelos dens have a selection of campouts that they can go on with the troop and also try to schedule some overlapping Pack and Troop trips. I am also going to make a very strong plea to the boys in the troop to help out as Den Chiefs.

  2. Everything, I heard about a venture crew forming from a troop to hold the interest of the older boys has always stressed the steps that a venture crew member has to go through to complete a requirement. First the crew member has to learn the items in the requirement. Then they have to demostrate that they know the items in the requirements. And lastly and the most important to the Troops associated with the crew is they MUST TEACH WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED. This means that they become another resource to teach the Troop members what they need to know to complete thier requirements and also keeps them active with the Troop as leaders and teachers to the younger boys. By the way these same points apply to the assocaited Pack and in the case of the girls in the crew to the Girl Scout units they are associated with. In summary what I have seen is that the Venture crew is promoted to the members of the Troop not as a replacement to the Troop, but as a way to get more out of their Scouting adventure.

  3. sctmom.


    I just thought I would share this story with you. When I was younger, I worked at a grocery store that was unionized, but I was not a member of the union (I live in a right to work state). I got promoted upwards to a new position which I at that time could not handle. I asked the store manager to demote me back to my former position. Since I was a good worker and it was quite evident that I was not mature enought to handle the job I had been promoted to (I was a teenager at the time) he agreed, but had to look into how to do that and while he was checking had me take sometime off work. When he got back to me he told me that the union would not allow him to demote me. I was not a member of the union, I was in total agreement of the demotion, so as far as I was concerned they had no right to get involved. But since the company was beholden to the union his hands was tied. So forgive me if I do not look on unions with the positive light that you seem to have.


  4. sctmom.


    I just thought I would share this story with you. When I was younger, I worked at a grocery store that was unionized, but I was not a member of the union (I live in a right to work state). I got promoted upwards to a new position which I at that time could not handle. I asked the store manager to demote me back to my former position. Since I was a good worker and it was quite evident that I was not mature enought to handle the job I had been promoted to (I was a teenager at the time) he agreed, but had to look into how to do that and while he was checking had me take sometime off work. When he got back to me he told me that the union would not allow him to demote me. I was not a member of the union, I was in total agreement of the demotion, so as far as I was concerned they had no right to get involved. But since the company was beholden to the union his hands was tied. So forgive me if I do not look on unions with the positive light that you seem to have.

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