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Everything posted by Engineer61

  1. Hi BadenP, I want to key in on something you said: "Your definition of scouting is much more applicable to scouting of the 50's-60's, and earlier, rather than the scouting of today." While this may be the case, it is the perception that persists today. BSA does little to change that perception in the marketing of BSA, just looking that Scouting magazines and the pitches given by both Cubs and Troops, it was all about outdoors, community service and advancement, in that order. In some locales, the perception of Scouting in the 50's and 60's was MUCH worse that what I've conv
  2. I agree with the posters who say how well the Muslim Scout integrates in to a Troop depends on he parents. One thing outside the norm to be mindful of would be activities during Ramadan, as the Scout would most likely be fasting.
  3. Does everyone realize that Scouting is a *very* focused program? Being an outdoor and community service centric program, Scouting appeals to a very small segment of kids to begin with. And mind you, you have to appeal to the parents as well. The program is immediately "dull" to anyone who is not focused on those aspects. When you throw Duty to God, Morally Straight and the Pledge of Allegiance into the mix, all that does is narrow the band even more. Even the Duty to God becomes focused on a Christian version in most cases at the Troop level. All of this should be obvious
  4. momof2cubs wrote "Plus there's the whole "geek" factor. If they have already have 4 years of cub scouting, they are more entrenched and less easily persuaded that scouting isn't "cool" " Yes, that is true, but every long-term organization or activity that the kids get into has the same label. Some times it is interchanged with "Nerd"...of course the athletes get the term "Jocks" There are Band Geeks, Science Geeks, Math Geeks and of course the Jocks of the various sports...however they tend to merge into a single collective. Yes, all of these activities require time commitments
  5. "Boy Scout Disney Land" Thanks for the description... As for Scout earning money for it...that will have to be over the summers with his Dad.
  6. My Scout (stepson) has similar issues with athletics and competitiveness...to the point where he will not participate in anything that he perceives as athletic... My Scout does not know how ride a bike, refuses to play any "ball" sports of any kind (even if it is a Troop activity, he finds a way around it), and performs terribly in PE class. I consider him a very-minimally capable swimmer...if he ever hits the open water without a PFD...he's done for. Most of his issues are fear of injury...the slightest injury is traumatic. My son is a polar opposite ... very athletic, usual
  7. Thanks for the feedback. Both my son's have friends who originate from all over the country and world...that's the nature of most large metro areas... But at $3500, it is completely cost prohibitive...even if there was a path for Scout to earn part of it on his own... Thanks again.
  8. No camp for Scout this year...spending summer with his Bio-Dad. At least the wife is finally done with all the Camp scheduling...now she can finally work on finding a job.
  9. "For those who feel that a Scout should have access to their cell phone during a scouting event, do you feel the same way about your son's phone usage at school? If not, why not? " Yes. My kids carry their cell phones in their backpacks to school. This is in concert with the school's policy. They can have them in school, but not use them in class. They have them for urgent and emergency situations.
  10. "Jambo was totally worth the $2000+ that my family spent for me to attend as staff." "I hope to be able to do it again in 2013. " So I'll bite.... and no, I'm not being sarcastic... because I really don't get it...and may I should try to understand it...because on the surface, this just looks like a very expensive camping trip. What thing is so totally life altering about Jambo that it is worth 8 or 9 car payments or a couple of months of mortgage? Is there some knowledge imparted at Jambo that no person can get by any other means?
  11. Yep...nothing can save you when an F5 hits you square on. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna go out and stand in a lightning storm holding up my 2-iron either! In ground shelter is better, just don't dig the hole in the drainage path.
  12. Hi Tom, I'm probably the only one on the forum that has no problem whatsoever with Scouts having a phone in their backpack. I am confident that I am the minority. Invariably, the Troop returns 1 to 1 1/2 hours early or late...the adult's get torqued at us if we aren't there to meet them ... my reply last time was, "...then don't leave a message on the first number you're given ... call them all!" Of course, it would not be a problem if Scout had his phone...he'd simply do it himself... Good luck with striking a compromise....but you likely won't get one.
  13. LOL LB...none taken. I have a feeling that my Scout and Adult Leaders might actually like me as a Scout parent after all ... I definitely stay out of their way! Just lookin for the positives.
  14. I'm not holding a lot of hope for "learning the lesson the hard way" so far it's happened 4 out of 5 campouts + the one year of summer camp he's been on. The light might turn on in a couple of years. I completely forgot about moleskin...I could never use it because the adhesive would cause a rash ... have to get some and throw it in his backpack ... Don't know the answer to the "fun" question ... but I'll assume so...
  15. So, Scout went on a back pack camp last weekend...came back with both feet pretty chewed up a variety of hot spots/blisters/broken blisters and a bit of AF. Of course, he still hasn't caught on to the concept that if your feet get wet, you have to get them dry as soon as possible...in spite of repeated instructions to do so. Resisting the urge to use Mercurochrome as a consequence lesson on keeping one's feet dry... I used Bactine on the open skin areas, watched the hot spots and unopened blisters and some Lotrimin AF on the AF areas. Problem areas are almost gone... Any ot
  16. I assume the bulk of the cost is all the non-Jambo site stuff. Airfare is about $700 to DC at the moment.
  17. OGE... "I wonder if encouragement from the dominant male force in his life would help a bit as it seems Scouting doesnt get praised much from that venue." Yeah, it probably would be a good thing if Scout's Dad worked on some Scout stuff over the summer break.
  18. Chlorine and anything is right out of the Darwin Awards book. How about a 3" length of magnesium wire (or tape) and a match (or a high current hobby battery) ... big bright light... add kindling. Wouldn't recommend magnesium shavings....far less controlled.
  19. A good idea ... maybe he'll do that in the summer with Dad. $3500 is a lot of cash, either way.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  20. There is apparently a Plague outbreak in the Prarie Dog population in the Doney Park area of Northern Arizona. http://www.azdailysun.com/news/local/9ca0a5f8-80ad-11e0-82bf-001cc4c002e0.html Though it might be nice to post this with all the Scout camping trips coming up.
  21. Kinda expensive vacation for a 14 year old... I think Scout's Dad can pick this one up....let him raid the college fund.
  22. I doubt if Cub Scouting is *hurting* Boy Scouting...it's geared in a completely different way. I recall my Scout's best friend when it came time to cross over...the friend decided that Boy Scouts was going to be too much busy work (MB's), and "slave labor" as he put it, for too little fun (camping). He decided to spend more time playing Youth Baseball. I recall the parents giving a private sigh of relief. My Scout by and large is bored with Scouting. He gets "up" for the trips, but hasn't completed a single MB since August (He's been fiddling with on of the Citizen MB's ... but
  23. Don't know if it's new or not...but it seems like a reasonable requirement. If it is new, then it's probably just there to placate the risk management folks.
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