Short history: I was a scout (troop 349, Southaven, MS), I was elected into the OA Chicksaha Lodge, I have no idea what chapter... fell out like lots of boys do before eagle :kicksself: and went on with life (college, marriage, kids etc) Now my son has joined a troop after going from tiger to AoL, and lo and behold I'm now an assistant scoutmaster... so in researching my history I find that my lodge (and I assume former council) are no longer in existance... further research tells me that 406 merged with another lodge and they don't seem to remember anything prior to 1995 :-)
I'm trying to find documentation of Lodge activity (and maybe hook up with old friends!) from the Chickasah 406 from the years of 86-91? any photos of lodge events?(This message has been edited by ekitchens)