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Everything posted by dvandetta

  1. And you have to wonder why people become atheists? It is precisely because of the bigotry, hatred, and intolerance to other ideas and ideals that we are experiencing on this message board. Fortunately, I've been impressed with many of the responses I've read on here, but there are a few that need to open their minds. In my opinion, we should question everything we are told and remember the history of what has occurred in the past so we do not make the same mistakes over and over again. Communism is not evil. It is a form of government that appears to not fit the human condition very
  2. Lisabob, I know they cannot be compelled to legally, but having the "under God" as part of the pledge provides for an inauthentic situation for our children. To pledge allegiance to our flag and be a good citizen does not necessarily require a belief in a higher power and, IMHO, shouldn't... but the topic here is regarding the BSA, which I understand is a private organization and they can discriminate as they please. I understand the BSA is very large and needs to take it's stand somewhere, and in line with the beliefs of the organizations leadership. I think that in order for the childr
  3. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: One nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." As American Citizens, we are all required to publicly declare that there is a God from early on in our education. (NOTE: The "under God" part was added to the pledge in 1954 by President Eisenhower.) This is apparently a non-denominational God in order to accommodate the millions of Americans who are not Christians, but does not account for atheists and agnostics. It also states "Justice for all"... I would imagine
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