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I've been at any number of adult scouting events where the person in the front of the room yells "Signs Up!" as a matter of course. Just makes no sense to me!


As suggested here, I just stand in front of the room and wait and wait. It works.


Did just get back from a combined Webelos-Boy Scout camporee. We were assigned a troop to camp with. I was amazed at how much better behaved the Webelos were, campwide, in general than the Boy Scouts. Sinckering and heckling at the campfire program, whatever--different stuff I wouldn't have expected. Unfortunately we also got stuck with an "adults do everything" troop. The PL's main duties seemed to consist of telling his patrol that whatever they had just done was "stupid."


Said troop also told me they have gone from 45 boys to 9 over the past few years. Wonder if there's a connection?

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Everyone, you can call me Horizon, and sometimes I yell "Signs Up."




I would say that 90% of the time I put a sign up and look at my watch until things quiet down. They only time I shout "signs up" is typically during a SNAFU operation with troop gear where it is the fastest way to get everyone's attention and stop the 25 different actions that are going on that might just cause a problem.


However, based on this thread - I am going to try to reduce that bit even more. Sometimes though, I need the attention of the entire Troop FAST - and "Signs Up" has always been the go-to shout instead of some variation of Shut Up / Atten HUT.




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