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The original thread isn't what I'm spinning off on, so much as SOME of the replies.

And those replies make me question the overall attitude and thought process of some "well experienced" scouters and leaders.



Ever notice that you or I might casually say something about advancement, uniforms, policy or maybe not even that, but mention casually that our own pack or troop may have a tradition of doing something - and you get at least a dozen replies about how somebody wants to see a link to actual written BSA policy about what you said.


For example, a member of the forum asked about ironing a nylon supplex shirt. I joked about asking what an iron was...then said I have ironed supplex nylon, but at very low heat.


Another member liked my joke, but then says ( I'm not quoting here okay?) that BSA does not require pleats or creases in uniforms.


Okay, cool info, but the original poster never ever said or implies anything about pleats creases.


So, just like that somebody tosse out a "Matter of fact statement" about something that was being discussed.


Same thing when talking advancement, policies, BOR, EBOR's and Awrads.


Yet in this spun article, there is info that only the original poster is privy too....YET so many posters acted like it was a God given fact printed on congressional record about this scout. One guys says he's a flaming in public Liberachi ( sp?) avowed scout...and most of the posters just accept it as fact. No questions, no proof or burden of truth needed!


Somebody says it is truth, and at least half the posters not only accept it, but stand behind and condemn the scout as if they ( the responding posters) have known personally for years - the scout in question was gay!



So, here is my question/ observation/ head scratching bewilderment:


Why is it you need written /printed proof about a document, rule or policy ( which is subject to change at BSA's whim), yet will judge and smear a person's reputation without so much as proof, acknowledgemnt or confirmation - all in the blink of an eye?


In a scout forum of all places?(This message has been edited by scoutfish)

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Because, Scoutfish, they think THEY are the ones who have the absolute right way of thinking...in both cases. When they are confronted with contradictory policy to their way of thinking they demand chapter and verse. But no such thing is needed to support prejudice.

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Hey now, you be careful on how you speak of Wladziu Valentino Liberace, he was a good Polish boy who was very nice to his mother (a fact often told to me by my mother) and besides, he never claimed to be Gay, denied it every time the issue came up



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Have you taken all the required training for your position?

(Obviously not, as you would know about crease and pleat requirements, and how to properly iron supplex nylon).



Guess what my pet peeve is with some of the knee jerk responders.



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I can garantee you that there is no mention, inkling or even vague reference to ironing uniforms, uniform material or uniform care in training specific to my position!


But again, the subject about creases wasn't even brought up by the original poster, only by a responder who COMPLETELY missed the point of the thread.It was just a question of wether you could iron supplex...which you can if you are careful!

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