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Troop Program Planning Training

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I need some help and advice for creating a training session for the council's upcoming University of Scouting. I have been asked to create and conduct a session entitled "Troop Program Planning" described as "How to help Patrol Leaders plan fun and effective troop meetings and activities" and to last 50 minutes. It is being offered to adult boy scout leaders.


I am searching for the best references, training aids, materials, ideas, and concepts to use in this session.


I need to put together a syllabus/lesson plan, any materials to be distributed, visual aids, etc.


Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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The information on program planning and its resources are in the Scoutmaster/assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training Course.


But if the goal is to make youth better at the process it would seem to me you have the wrong audience.


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BSA used to publish a course specifically geared to the SM and the youth leaders re: troop program planning. Of course, it is now obsolete and out-of-print.


I've never taught it, so I can't comment on how good or effective the old course actually was at teaching program planning to Scouts.


Also, pages 5-14 of "Troop Program Features" (vol. I) outlines the annual program planning process, including a sample agenda for the annual planning conference.

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Last April, as a "wet behind the ears" newly-registered Scouter, I attended a local University of Scouting (without having had the opportunity for any prior training). The first session I attended was called "Annual Program Planning", and it was basically an introduction to the Troop Program Features, and the monthly inserts in Scouter magazine (which I still have not seen in person). The other things I picked up from the session included the responsibility of the PLC for the annual troop program (I didn't know the PLC concept existed, but I did know our troop didn't really have one), and the need to reconcile different calendars (school, chartered organization, council and district, etc) during the process.



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