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Boy Scout Candle Ceremony Props

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Not sure if you are looking for a specific kind of candle prop, but the easiest one that comes to mind is -


Take a log of some kind. Cut a slice off down one side. This will give it a "base" so it can stay upright & not roll. Drill as many holes along the log as you need for your candles.


To get fancier -


Drill the holes on the sides deeper than the center hole. That will give your center candle more height than the rest.


Drill your holes at graduated depths with the 2 ends the deepest & the middle the shallowest. This will give you a candleabra type shape like this - /\.


Cut a slice off of one, or both, sides of the log. Carve, wood burn, or paint a decoration on it.


Hope this helps some!

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The troop of my youth had the crotch, or "V" of a birch tree- white birch, that had 12 holes drilled for each point of the scout law. I guess it is similar to Scout Nut's. The bottom was flat and the branch rose up at an angle from the crotch. The SM would light the candle at the lowest end first, then call out "A scout is trustworthy" and a reader from the back of the room would recite the meaning of the point. It was very impressive to watch. I cant remember what we had for the Oath, but the Law birch I do!(This message has been edited by local1400)

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Not sure what you're asking about props.


We use a candle lighting ceremony at the beginning of Courts of Honor. Currently using a stand built with 2x4s, but Scouts want to make one out of a log like ScoutNut mentions. Our ceremony is similar to Local1400's except in ours the Scouts do the whole thing, each in turn saying a point of the law and lighting a candle. Very nice.


Older son used something similar for his Eagle Court of Honor, but at that time we had no candle stand so just used one large candle (spirit of Scouting) and 12 votive candles set on a table.





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A suggestion with candles.


Before you use them in your ceremony, besure to light all the wicks and get them nice and charred. This way, when you light them during the ceremony, they will do so quite easily.


Nothing messes up a nice candle lighting ceremony more then not being able to get a candle lite.



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