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Kahuna's Departure and Maybe....

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I respect you and the time that you have spent here and your many contributions. You are most likely leaving the Forum for possibly all of the right reasons. You may also be taking a much needed vacation or you may simply need to seek other vistas. Most here seemed to have experienced something meaningful whether it was opinion, fact or emotion, so I assume treasure is being carried away. I believe that this place is a good place to camp, of course it is not the only one and camping is not the only activity, even in Scouting.


Since I first began writing in this forum, I was once accused of being the reason for all of the bad things in Scouting, so with a label like that it kind of makes me an expert on the negatives. I have also had run-ins with a couple of other fellows here and neither time was it a red letter day for me. I wish I had held my peace, had reason to reach for patience, and/or sought guidance from above but the small earthly things appeared more important and were fed by an over abundance of pride so I held to the lesser road instead.


My wife, a person rich in insight, love and resilience has on numerous occasions fell victim to a husband who is also possibly the reason for things being bad elsewhere. She has shown courage in the face of bad argumentation and indifference to reasoning that falls far short of significant. As I have learned from her over the years, the outcome of such conflict is nothing more than a red face, an apology, forgiveness, a renewal for a search for alternatives, forgetting of the reasons of the initial conflict and a closer communion. That relationship has come to be my understanding of marriage.


In Scouting we are not married to each other but we take an oath of friendship. We may also camp together on the tops of mountains and view sites that defy words and that can rarely be captured in pictures but the opposite experiences are also often the case. Our circle of friendship remains in spite of differences and because we are destined to have them but we are still bound together. I hope the best for you on your impending voyage and will be hoping for your safe return wherever and whenever that may be.




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