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Appropriate in Uniform?

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I just got back from a sporting event. It was 'Scout Day' for the minor league team in the area and there were boy and girl scouts of all varieties about.


Our Pack had about 50% participation, despite the weather, so all and all I was pleased. My problem was with a DL from another Pack that was sitting nearby (in uniform).


He was wearing a soccer ball hat on his head and was blowing horns and basically raising a ruckus. I don't know if he had been drinking and while that is bad, it is not really the crux of my question. He was acting as if he had been out pounding down beers before the game. He was 'that obnoxious guy' that many people hate to see at any ball game.


I was embarassed by his behavior. Am I just being too picky? What should I have done, if anything?(This message has been edited by Torveaux)

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In uniform and wearing a soccer ball hat on his head? I will have to work on that one!!

"He was 'that obnoxious guy' that many people hate to see at any ball game"

I kinda think that maybe he might be obnoxious all the time.

There was nothing that you could do and maybe trying to do something would have resulted in a very ugly scene.

I would say a prayer and thank the Big Guy Upstairs that this twit wasn't part of the pack that I serve.

If you are really upset you could send a letter to the Cubmaster and Pack Committee Chair. Of the pack he was with. But I think they already know. If they haven't taken any action I think a letter isn't going to do much.

If you are very upset you could write to the Scout Executive. That might open a very big can of worms - I don't think I would want to go there.


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Just my obsersavtions you may be too picky. Of course I wasn't at the game to make an informed opinion.

I act like that at ball games and I stay sober at the games.


If he was drinking and being rude to people that's one thing and is totally against my and the scouts set of standards.


But if he was just having a good time with his den and not bothering anybody then there is nothing you can do but accept it and be glad he isn't a part of your pack.


While in uniform I've donned goofy hats, costumes, and have blown horns, cheered, booed (in good fun) the other team. Heck I've done this at Scout functions.


If you ever get a chance to go to an OA function you will see youth and adults doing the same thing. It's all in good fun.

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I guess I was trying to say that drinking or not, I think that behavior is inappropriate when representing Scouting at a public event.


This was not a purely Scouting event, such as a camp or OA meeting, or roundtable. (wherein I think we all get a little silly at times) This was a game in which Scouting was being recognized, but the general public was there. There is a huge difference between being a fan and being obnoxious. If this had been a non-Scouting event and he was acting like that around my son while we were trying to watch a game, I would have spoken to him. The fact that we were both in uniform stopped me. (The guy was from a Pack in our District and I have never seen him at Roundtable, nor was he wearing a Trained patch, so I don't think he goes much. I haven't missed a Roundtable since I became involved and since he and I both are Bear DLs, I would have seen him.)


I don't know how you behave in public, so I cannot compare the two, but I hope you don't embarrass yourself or Scouting like this guy did.




Thanks. I think you are right. I am not as much upset as I am embarrassed and disappointed. I guess I hold all Scouters to a bit higher level of expectation than I do for the general public, but I would not have liked this behavior out of anyone. I appreciate the opportunity to get the opinion of other Scouters as this is still new to me.

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Torveaux wrote "I don't know how you behave in public, so I cannot compare the two, but I hope you don't embarrass yourself or Scouting like this guy did"


I don't act like a drunken fool while sober. Apperently this guy crossed the line. Take Eamonn's advise, sound like the right thing to do.






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