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It was brought to my attention at fiels day that in Jan 2005 our pack will be loosing our Bear/Wolf Den Leader along with our Scout Master for 8mo due to their work. My son has lost intrest in scouting since he overheard us talking about it. How can I as a single parent who doesn't have enough time to take over for the den leader get my son more interested in scuoting.

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Work with others in your Pack to select another Leader. Don't do this task alone. Here is a list to work from:

1. List the Scouts and the parents of the Den. These parents have a direct interest and are most likely to take over the Den.

2. Work with the Committee Chairman of your Pack to lengthen the list to other parents in the Pack that may be interested in leading the Den.

3. Add to the list any relatives, aunts, uncles, Grandparents that might be possible candidates.

4. Your Pack Commissioner and your Charted Organization Representative may know of others that are in the Chartered Organization that may be candidates.

Take care to select a leader that you can trust to do a good job. Make sure that a personal visit is taken to the home of the person being considered. Don't pressure the person. Tell them the truth about the time commitment and let them know of the support they will have.

Prior to the visit(s) meet with the other parents of the Den and agree to offer support to the program throughout the year as an added incentive to the person considering the job. This support can be in areas of gathering supplies, transportation, setting up and cleaning up before and after the meetings.

Have all parents agree to bring refreshments and to make sure that all Scouts are brought on time and picked up on time. This type of support makes the job enjoyable and the person doing the job a success. The boys will enjoy the program more and should benefit from your efforts.


Good Luck in the hard work ahead of you,




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