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Help w/Game: Number Call-Out?

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Interested in finding out how to play the suggested game in this months program helps guide (Time in a Capsule). Game is called Number Call-Out. Description is available in the Scout How-To book. I have older edition and can not locate it. Have looked online - also to no avail. Can anyone help me with the game description or point to site that can help?

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Here's one game found on GS icebreakers site (don't know if it's the same one you're seeking):


Number Call Out

How to play: Assemble the group. Call out a number such as "three" and the group must scramble to get in groups of three. Try for numbers that divide evenly into your total group, or have those left out be the next callers.


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Number Call-Out


Activity level: LOW


Needed: Large activity room, lots of players (the more, the better)


A leader calls out a number, such as "three" to the group, and everyone scrambles to get into groups of three. Quickly, the leader calls another number to form other sizes of groups, and continues rapidly as players scramble.


Variation 1: The leader tells players that every new combination must not include players from previous combinations.


Variation 2: The leader asks people to find others with similar characteristics, for example:


Find everyone who has the same kind of pet as you.


Find everyone with the same color of eyes as you.


Find everyone with the same birthday month as you.


Find everyone with the same last digit in their phone number as you.



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