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There used to be this ad in the Wall Street Journal

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Rooster, you are right there is a twinge of jealousy. It would be nice to have both. There is a trade off though; most very wealthy people have worked their butt of to get there. I think its natural for there to be times when one thinks "yea it would be nice to have job where I could afford a" (boat, nicer car, larger house, or a Lear jet). But those thoughts fade as you turn to look at your children eagerly waiting for some help with homework, an adventure, a story or hug.


Its a fine line between living for the future and living in the present.



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Its Me,


I agree. But I feel obligated to defend some of my friends who were blessed with a loving family and wealth. In fact, its been my observation - many folks who are successful in building a career and obtaining wealth, know quite a bit about what is required to build a loving and supportive family; And have prioritized their time accordingly. No doubt, wealth can lure people away from whats important. On the other hand, some of the wealthiest men in America built their financial empires by focusing on principles that emphasized the importance of people and Gods love.

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I know I've been guilty of throwing myself into my work a little too much from time to time. I would even venture to say that most of us have. With a little reminder from THE BOSS (my wife), I always come to my sense and back to whats really important.

But, that being said, sometimes its impossible to pass up that over-time, and skip the round table or committee meeting, or even postpone a den meeting.




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