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Matches. We don't need no stinking matches. A couple of weeks ago the new Scout patrol was getting ready for their Fire'em Chip requirements. At the 10-minute huddle one of the new kids says, "I've got matches". Hue and cry...hue and cry...the din of protest from the older patrols was deafening. "We don't use matches around here...any monkey can start a fire with a match". "In this troop we only use flint and steel". "Don't sweat it" "We'll teach you how to use it". Scouting at it's best.

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HOW HOW 2Eagle!


You're right - that IS Scouting at its best. Just don't let anyone know that you can start a fire without matches or we'll have to clear the camps of rocks and won't be able to take any steel tools camping with us.


What are we teaching Scouts by not allowing them to have matches. If you have a PYRO problem in your group it ain't the matches!



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Been wanting to get into flint and steel for each patrol for some time but we are still using mine instead as I haven't found an item worth purchasing or if it is it is too expensive for us. So I have not even suggested it to the PLC - I suspect that they would love the idea.


In the mean time it is mostly lighters in our Troop only because the matches get wet/smashed/used up too quickly.

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