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Webelos Career Arrow


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Does anyone know of a spreadsheet program where you enter all of a scouts achievements into an excel spreadsheet so you can print it out and then wrap the arrow with the embroidery floss? I went to a university of scouting class last year and the leader said she had one she would send but never did and when I contacted her about it she said her computer crashed and she lost the file. It's been way too long since I have used excel to write my own spread sheet. TIA

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How does the Pack track Advancement? That should give you your source data. My son's Pack used beads on leather laces- 2 laces looped around for 4 strands- Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos. Colored beads for achievements- matched color to necker for rank, silver and gold for arrows, other colors for loops and pins, etc...

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I must admit that I like the idea of this. Thought about prepping for it when i was assist DL, but there is no way.... we don't have a great track of awards earned, and can barely get anyone to participate in doing it. The boys rarely wear their uniforms and really show little interest in displaying their awards..... so in my pack, I'm nearly alone in this interest.

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