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First Class "Recruiting" Requirement

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BSA has sent out a notice to SE's that the rewuirement for First CLass will be changing with the addition of a requirement.


Boys must talk to another former Scout or some other boy about the benefits of Scouting, and bring them to a meeting, outing or some other activity.


National seems to be a bit desperate in trying to drag boys in BUT this is NOT going to work and will actually HURT.


More than a few boys are embarrassed enough at being Scouts. Scouting is definitely NOT ANYWHERE above the mean on any "coolenss" scale. I expect it's down near the bottom with "Chess Club" and "Marching Band". Probably below both.


Like it or not, that's the way the boys see it. We've got a successful Troop with 40+ boys and a full high adventure schedule. We have boys with NO Scouting experience coming in voluntarily. BUT you can't get more than a dozen to appear publicly in uniform.


REQUIRING these kids - especially those in Middle School, the most pressured "conform" to the norm time in their lives, to go out talking about Scouting to "publicly" admit that THEY are Scouts. You're going to see a lot more kids who'll never make First Class unless this requirement is widely ignored at the Unit level.


Just another example of how out of touch National is - and how desperate they are to boost "numbers".


And BTW, it strikes me and ALL of our local leaders that the reference to "Friends of Scouting" in the revised Cub Scout manuals is completely INAPPROPRIATE in a book for kids. It's bad enough that BSA is trying to force FOS presentations on Units (it's now a REQUIREMENT for units), but this is over the line.



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