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InsaneScouter Beta Update


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All of us at InsaneScouter have been hard at work rebuilding InsaneScouter from the ground up. We are proud to announce that the new site is in Beta 1. The new site is easier to use, find content on, to maintain and add resources too. Additionally, it has new features like the ability to rate the content 1 to 5 stars, post comments about the content, and much more. In the coming months you will also be able to search for resources. We would like to encourage you to check it out at http://beta.insanescouter.org and let us know what you like and don't like. We know there are a number of problems of content displaying in the wrong categories, this is being worked on. Also only about 60% of the content from the old site has been moved over. What you tell us now will make InsaneScouter better for all, tomorrow.


Thank You and please feel free to pass this along...


Scott Robertson


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  • 3 months later...

The new site has finally gone live and is actively being improved. Please check it out and let me know what you think.


The first InsaneScouter newsletter, (in over two years) is going out (we hope) this coming Tuesday. If you are not currently a member, sign up for free at http://insanescouter.org/users/register.php'>http://insanescouter.org/users/register.php or you will not get it.


Free membership will get you more then the newsletter (which you can disable if you don't want to receive it), but also abilty to rate page, and leave comments on pages. Furthermore, you canl access the ftp download service which includes powwow boos going back to 1974, a larger clipart collection (then what is on the site), a virtual patch collection, multi-media files, etc as a free member. Lastly, you will also be able to upload new items to add to the download collection into the "upload" folder.


Also if you have resources you think should be added to the website let me know.



Scott Robertson



Helping leaders one resource at a time.....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I was wondering what everyone thought of the new InsaneScouter site? I would like to make it useful and easy to use as possible.


Just wanted to remind you with the launch of the new http://insanescouter.org'>http://InsaneScouter.org website any links pointing to the old site no longer works. Easiest way to tell if the link is old is if it has the /t276/ in it such as -> insanescouter.org/t276/files/. If you find anyone using the old links, please help me by asking them to update it to the new link. On the same note, if you are not currently linking to InsaneScouter, please take a moment and add it to your site or blog.


The newsletter is going out, but to receive a copy you must sign up for a free membership account which includes:


-ability to rate page (use the 5 stars under title page title to say how much you like a page with 5 being the best)

-ability to leave comments on pages (kind of like a mini forum on each page)

-subscribe / un-subscribe to newsletter

-access to the download service (ftp) which includes:

-Pow Wow books going back to 1974



-Virtual Patch Collection

-Virtual Stamp Collection

-Audio Files

-Video Files

-and much more


If you would like to take advantage of these features signup for a free membership account at http://insanescouter.org/users/register.php. Please only signup once, you will receive an email with a link, click on that link and your account will become active. If you have problems please email us.


Thank You...


Scott Robertson



Helping leaders one resource at a time...


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  • 3 weeks later...



"The BSA has always provided youth with a solid foundation of values to start them on the path to becoming productive citizens and leaders of tomorrow," said Roy Williams, Chief Scout Executive of the BSA in a Feb 06, 2006.


"Scouting is more then what we do it's who we are and what we will be said Bob Mazzuca, chief Scout Executive in a Feb 4, 2008. Mazzuca continues "Our nation needs -- and will always need -- thoughtful and responsible leaders to guide our communities and help people who are grappling with a variety of human needs, including hunger, poverty, and poor health."


If you take the meaning behind what both chief Scout Executives said and add in lots of hope, and determination you will find what inspires all of at InsaneScouter. What drives us and motivates us to help you not only run a better program but to also help more Scouts. This devotion is also what makes me come to you today because InsaneScouter needs your help. Our current servers are being overwhelmed and we need additional sever resources which will allow us to expand the content, resources and services we offer.


In the next few weeks we plan to have our search engine on-line to help you find Scouting related websites, a virtual flat Stanley Scout project (look up flat Stanley on google for more info), and by mid November a global camp guide (listings of camping opportunities including details, contact info, prices, photos, comments, and ratings of the camp). Additionally, there is also a free email and hosting service in the works. I am sure this all sounds great, however, it will take the additionally server capacity to make it all work.


The servers, will run just under $2,000 for 15 months, which take us through December 2009. With that said we are happy with our host and are not looking to change. We have already talked to our host and they currently don't offer any sponsorships.


What I am asking for, from you is a donation, of any size, to help us grow and continue to improve InsaneScouter. If each of you made a $5, $10, or even $20 donation... well you would prove miracles still happen. If additional money is raised, beyond what is needed for the hosting, it will be used to further advance InsaneScouter not to line anyones pockets. Please help us today, by giving us a donation via paypal (sales@insanescouter.org) our through our donations page at http://insanescouter.org/p/2003/0/dontation.html'>http://insanescouter.org/p/2003/0/dontation.html Thank You!


If you would like to know more about the two key leaders of InsaneScouter and how the site came to be I encourage you to read Two Enemies Two Best Friends at http://insanescouter.org/p/4185/0/Two_Enemies_-_Two_Best_Friends.html. You may also find answers to many of your questions on our FAQs at http://insanescouter.org/p/4184/0/FAQ.html.



Scott Robertson



Helping leaders one resource at a time...



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  • 11 months later...

It has been a long time since my last update so figure I would toss one up ..the new site has been live for a some time now and seems to be working great. There is also a new newsletter (http://insanescouter.org/p/5021/0/August_17_2009_Newsletter.html'>http://insanescouter.org/p/5021/0/August_17_2009_Newsletter.html) that is now going out twice a month full of wonder full resources including games, songs, stories, crafts, activities, outdoor skills, skits, ceremonies, and so much more... There are also features like a decent way to search the site, virtual flat stanley adventures, ability to send e-postcards, and much more. On top of that there are over 4,700 unique pages of content. I am really happy with the way the new site has come out...


Wacky Scouting to All


Scott Robertson




Helping leaders one resource at a time....

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