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What should I do when I come back to Tamegonit for Spring Induction?

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When next our troop goes to Tamegonit Lodge, it will be for Spring Induction. Since I received my Ordeal during the Fall Induction, I won't be able to go for Brotherhood quite yet. However, I am attempting to find a different way to get involved, and your input would be greatly appreciated. So, here's the question:



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Other than the last one take into consideration what your interest are at this moment in time and go for it.


As for the last one on your list, maybe that time could be used for learning a craft such as beading which you expressed an interest in. Additionally there are other skill areas that you could investigate, such as finger weaving, flint and steel, native American cooking, and yes, even sewing to create your kit....


I'll post some extra links on a seperate thread for you to look at....

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Even with only seven responses, the most of them seem to agree that the elangomat is the best route to take. I agree with Le Voyageur that you should go with your interests. Barring any particular interests, go with elangomat. It gives you a unique chance to reexperiance your ordeal without being overwhelmed or nervous. And, when the ceremonies occur, you may have a deeper appreciation for what is being said. YIS, paul e. conley

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As a brotherhood member in Tamegonit, no really, I'm in 374 in Liberty and 400 in Warrensburg,


I'm also a Shaman, you know what that is. I'll assume you're at least a Foxman or Brave too.


let me make a suggestion.


I would volunteer for a more advanced role on the ceremony team, if you're timid, like a lot of scouts are even at your age, I would pick Elangomat. Runner might be good if you can do it dual with another position.


I just might see you at the NS Dist camporee if you go this year. I'll likely be wandering around with a digital camera and a floppy Bartle hat.


kevin @ flyingember . com



If you sit around, I will personally come over and use my paint to berate you. I've met Mark Gotzon. Sachem Sunlit Valley. Watch me.

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