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Scout Handclasp


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When I was a scout in the sixties we had a different handclasp than we have now.

In the 1960 handbook :

To give the Scout handclasp, extend you left hand with the three middle fingers out stretched, the little finger and the thumb spread out. Interlock your fingers with your friends fingers and clasp firmly


When I I was a Webelos Den leader in 1985 I found out it had changed to just a left handed with no interlocking.

When did it change?


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1911 to 1914: No Handclasp


1915 to 1926: Right Handed-Three Fingered


1927 to 1971: Left Handed-Three Fingered ( USA only, rest of world scouting uses left hand - normal


1972 to present: Left Handed - normal. USA drops the three fingered clasp to match rest of world. All scouts in world use left handed clasp.

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Having earned my Eagle in 1959 and then coming back into Scouting when my boys were old enough to join in 1999, as a new ASM I was shaking hands and they all wondered why I was giving the OA handclasp! Was that started after the Boy Scouts gave it up in 1971 or is it more complicated than that?

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Differs but not enough for anybody to actually notice, but we don't have to go into that here. Was the more elaborate clasp for Brotherhood started the same time? It is fiddley enough to require you to work on it a little together to get it right, but again no details for this thread.(This message has been edited by KA6BSA)

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