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trailfinder52- a lot of what you stated in your most recent post is a given. Any Venturing Honor Society (VHS) must be designed to work for all Venturers.


However, I do question this: "I do not think that copying the OA would be a good idea". In what way do you mean about 'copying the OA'? IMO, a major failing of the CoD concept is that the creators of it were too wrapped up in 'let's not be like the OA' that they (again IMO) made the CoD an honor society with little purpose beyond the 'honor of being a member'. I hate to sound negative or 'anti-CoD', but I just see the CoD as a great idea that has been crippled by some major wrong decisions from the get go.


So what is 'copying the OA'? An Indian-lore theme? Keep in mind that MANY Scout Honor Societies (SHS) have an Indian Lore theme, and most were established quite independently of the OA, and I think many members of such groups would be very upset about someone saying they are just 'copying the OA'. But I don't see a VHS as needed to follow such a theme, and gave examples of other themes that HAVE been used by other SHS.


Is having a structure and purpose with officers and the like 'copying the OA'? Again, ALL SHS have this, and this is needed to have these groups have a purpose beyond just the 'honor of being a member'. (as noted, I view this as one of the failings of the CoD idea)


As an APO member, I also don't understand the comment of an 'APO format'. APO is a service fraternity, with a lot of similiarities to both other college fraternities and the OA. There are requirements to join and you must complete a period of pledgeship to join (similiar in some ways with the OA's requirements and ordeal), there are rituals that are performed (again, like most any SHS), and APO members focus on service to the community and leadership development (become leaders by serving others and moving up within the chapter, and again, a lot like the OA). And again, as I noted, there are some SHS that have used a college fraternity theme, and in fact, the early OA shows some college fraternity influences. (the ordeal process is very similiar to the pledge process, and in the early days was even more similiar)


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Fellow Venturers,


Greetings again!



This topic of Venturing Honor Societies have been discussed and brought up before.


Without repeating too much of what has already been posted. As usual, we have a lot of experience in Scouting and only a few year of experience in Venturing in the forum, and had some excellent topics and opinions. I certainly enjoy the insight from my fellow Venturers. I would like to share two thoughts on Honor Societies.



My first thought. This has often been stated before (and I wish I was original is saying this.. lol), but what does the National Venturing Cabinet think about this? Have they been approached? Many times we say, what do the youth think about this (or other) topics?


That is usually the way ground-roots campaigns begin. Not just us emailing, blogging or online forum talking about these topics, but discussing these topics with those (National Venturing Cabinet, Regional Cabinets and Council Teen Council or Venturing Officers Association) that are suppose to set goals, and have the National/Council vision and mission. So Crews and Advisors that like the idea of honor societies, should discuss this with the VOA-TLC or National Venturing Cabinet.



My second thought. Whatever theme is taken, Venturing BSA should be cautious regarding symbols and heraldy that describe an Venturing Honor Society.


i.e. Order of the Arrow now concentrates more on the Arrow theme, rather than the legacy Indian and Indian Headdress theme. While OA still maintains titles, names, and priciple characters of the Lene Lenape tribe, all the logos have been changed to an Arrow theme to be less offensive to Native American tribes. We certainly wouldn't want to get a lawsuit from an angry crowd of poobahs out there.....lol



Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv



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