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Who runs District Committee when Chairman steps down ?


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Seem to remember reading someplace that if there isn't a Vice-Chair the District Nominating Chair steps in until a new Chair is selected.

Most times one of the other District Chairs will take the job on a temp basis.

The District Commissioner and the DE should never take on the job.

Commissioners need to take care of units and DE's have their own agenda.


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In my district, it would be our Vice-Chairman, as outlined in the Handbook for District Operations (see p. 7)




Unfortunately, all the other literature I can find is silent as to what to do. I assume you convene the nominating committee in a special meeting, and fill the vacancy ASAP, but I'm not sure how, absent a special meeting of the district (incluing Charter Reps and Members at Large).



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I've seen it where the Vice chair takes over.


I've seen it where the District commissioner does a fair bit of the job.


And I knwo I had to do a very large share of the job when my Chair resigned when I was a DE.


"Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust,

When volunteers don't

Professionals must."

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Depending upon the situation, yes it is a big deal. In the situation I was one, a lot of the go to people in the community to be Chair would not do it b/c of relations with the SE and DFS. One person asked if the SE was still SE, and when I said yes, was told "H377 NO!


However, they did have a champagne party I am told when the SE left, and those folks got back involved when the DFS followed shortly thereafter.

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