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Not Such A Good Start.

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Please believe me when I say that I'm trying to keep an open mind and be Mr Nice Guy.

We have the new DE. 13 Days on the job. We don't get a new Field Director till November 1st. He has told me that no one in the office is telling him what to do. So I can understand that he is a little lost and over whelmed.

I have had lunch with him just the two of us. I went over how I saw the lay of the land. Who the movers and grovers were in the district. I outlined some goals that I have. I paid for lunch.

We have had one key3 meeting at my house. It went well. We looked at the sign up clean up how to recruit the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts that we still need to be Quality District. Looked at who would do what for the popcorn pick up. Talked about the training that was coming up. In fact we got a lot done. I explained how my system of 30 day goals work.

He is living in the Campmaster building while he is buying a house. The only phone number he has given me is his cell which is still an out of state number, as yet he only has the BSA, E-mail address. I have been setting up meetings with the FOS Captains, and doing a lot of busy work.

Before the training, last Saturday I said it was a uniform dress code. He wore a shirt, which had the old red and white community strip and non BSA pants. I wasn't happy. I didn't mention the patch but did mention the BSA pants. I said that he was far luckier then most of the volunteers as he got his at cost.

Tonight we had a Round-table meeting. It was a busy meeting. We had a cake and the final good bye to the out going DE. The Council is giving each unit Troop master software. But the leader had to sign for it in blood. There were announcements and the plea for more Cub Scouts.

He turned up in a dark suit. He looked like an out of work undertaker. We did introduce him and I had the District Commissioner say lots of nice things. When the split came Boy Scouter's were doing Hikes and Cub Scouter's were making noise. I walked the old DE to her car. She asked me "What's with the suit?" Of course I had no answer. I returned to the building and a very active Cubmaster asked me"Why doesn't he wear a uniform?" Some of those present had been at training, so I couldn't lie and say that it wasn't unpacked yet.

As we were leaving I thought that I really should say something. So I, in a very nice way said " Hey _____ you really should wear a uniform to this meeting." I went on to say that he didn't need to wear one to the District meeting and he should check with the District Commissioner as to find out if they wore uniforms or not" He informed me that he doesn't like wearing a uniform.

It doesn't happen very often but I was speechless. There were still other volunteers leaving and I didn't want to draw attention to him and I. So I didn't say anything more. I know now that was not what I should have done. I really ought to have tried to put him straight there and then. I am not going to go to his boss and "Tattle". I'm not going to wait till the Field Director comes and hope that he tells him what the dress code for what is. I will have to find the right time and place and tell him.

Still I have to say that I'm very disappointed that we have hired a DE that doesn't like to wear the uniform. Of course it's just my luck to get one.


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Ouch! To coin a phrase, "I feel your pain"! We have a good DE in our district with a number of years of experience. He left professional scouting, decided he missed it and came back about a year ago. Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you say in another thread that this guy is right out of college? Also, does he have ANY background in scouting at all? I can't remember what you said. Eamonn, do the kid a favor and have a talk with him. At least you can say you tried. I remember being that age and all the rude awakenings I went thru when I actually became a "responsible" adult. Let him know that you are trying to be a friend, look out for him and help him get his feet on the ground. Tell him that regardless of whether he likes it or not, a DE without a uniform is like a surgeon who doesn't like washing his hands. Sometimes the job requires doing things you don't personally like. If you can't handle the requirements of the job, maybe you picked the wrong job. I have a feeling that this kid wanted a job....ANY job, and this is either the first one to hire him or paid more than the others he may have been offered. Tell him you want him to succeed, but he is setting himself up for failure. Remember, offer your advice friendly and fatherly. He'll either decide to shape up or I have a feeling he'll be asked to leave or quit in frustration. Good luck buddy!

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The DE's serving the same council as I wear "business clothes" (shirt and tie) to meetings as often or more so than I see them in uniform. At camp, they are always in uniform.


Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason...I just thought that was what they did. I have NEVER seen the SE in uniform. In fact, we very rarely see him at all.

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Choice of wardrobe is up to the DE, usually when in the office or doing calls on businesses or community groups the professional dress uniform, or a tie and coat is preferred. When attending district events, unit visits, or camp activities, etc., it is expected that the DE wear the field uniform, thats what we were told in DE training at National. It was my experience most SEs preferred it that way too. I loved to have any excuse to wear the field uniform instead of a coat and tie, but some DEs I worked with were embarassed to wear it in public and I would tell them they were in the wrong occupation. I feel that the DE should set the example for the district leaders if he ever is to have any credibility with them.

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I would give the guy a break. As long as he is wearing a shirt and tie for right now that wouldn't bother me. If he didn't even move into his house yet i'm sure he does have higher priorities then the whole boy scout uniform thing. His District when he was youth could've been lacked on the issue. You may know of his personal stituation more but if its only 13 days I would doubt it. Just start complaning when he does things that are wrong with procedors and all the othger stuff DEs do behind the scenes.

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The guy is right out of college. But he is an Eagle Scout and he informed us that his parents had been members of the key3 in his district.

We have for as long as anyone can remember always seen the DE in uniform at Round-table meetings. When I was District Commissioner I didn't ask anyone to wear the uniform as we were the only people at the meeting.

I know that not wearing one last night was a big mistake on his part and I will mention it to him.


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Here is what I have seen professionals do:


I have been to several council offices, and I have never seen a professional Scouter in the office in anything other than business attire. Sometimes it is the dress uniform, sometimes it is just a suit.


At council dinners, the pros are always in dress uniform.


The staff of all of the scout shops I have visited wear business type clothing, except for the Louisville Scout Shop, which is run by National Supply Division, and its employees wear the field uniform complete with gold loops.


At summer camp, the pros are usually in field uniform. However, DEs seem to have an amazing ability to mix and match the pieces of the field uniforms of different programs. One even told me his boss suggested it and that it would help members of the different programs better identify with him. However, if they had a meeting off camp that day, they usually wore a suit.


At camporrees, field uniform is the norm for pros. However, they often show up in suit, tie, and coat on friday nights.


At council executive board meetings, district roundtable meetings, and sometimes at Lodge Executive Committee meetings, they wear suits.


DEs are professionals. They work with other professionals and interact with professionals in other fields. They generally think they are expected to dress the same way other professional people dress.


When I was in high school the DE had a booth set up in the school lobby during lunch because a local volunteer fire department was wanting to start a Crew or Post and wanted to see if any youth were interested. He was wearing a suit.



I think perhaps the rule of thumb may be Monday-Friday, business attire, weekend functions field uniform or dress uniform, depending on function type.


At least that is my experience and observation.


Oh, one very funny thing I observed at NOAC...


A District Executive from some other council was seen wearing this highly unusual uniform on at least two seperate days...


Boy Scout Shirt

Venturing Shorts

Boy Scout web belt

Boy Scout socks... underneath, and visible above, Venturing socks


It make me want to laugh and cry thinking about it.



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I've only seen our DE in "street clothing" twice. Both times was when I was trying to recruit a charter organization for our new troop and he accompanied me. He never misses a roundtable, camporee, summer camp or webelos woods.....and he is always in full uniform.


Our scout shop staff is always in full uniform. Everyone else at the council office is in civvies usually.

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