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I think I want to start a New Polictical Movement.

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As much as everyone loves the two Party system, I would love to create a new "party" but this one one would have a shelf life.


My Movements name "We the People" Reminding everyone that the power comes from the people. (Driven Primiarly by the ideals of the Founding Fathers)


When the goals of the "party" are accomplished or a set time limit is reached the group is disbanded. No, ifs ands or buts. Everyone out of the pool the party is over, the treasury gets emptied and given to either the Red Cross or the American Cancer Society or both.


The tenets/planks of my party Platform..


1. Secure the Borders. Put up a fence (or fences, with ditches cameras.... whatever it takes) make it high and strong, this would slow down illegal drugs, illegal immigrants and terrorists bringing in possible Weapons of Mass destruction.


2. Term Limits for the House and Senate. No more career politicians (three terms House, three in the Senate). Maybe term limits for Judical Appointees as well, I am thinking 30 years but this could be debated. In this same vein, no AC for the DC Staff offices in the summer months, that should keep them from messing around when everyone else is thinking vacation.


3. Either a flat rate tax for everyone above the poverty line, or a National Sales tax on everything except food (I favor the Sales tax, that way crooks and criminals who dont pay taxes, would be paying thier share when they are buying their bling, bling)


4. Balanced Budget Ammendment- If you cant afford it you dont go into deficit to spend it.


5. Cut the Federal Goverment to the Bone. Slash budgets for the Health and Human Services, Dept. of Education, Housing and Urban Renwel. If the states want to fund these things they can, but let the local politicans do it. (Do it gradually at first by cutting all the beuarcrats in these agencies and giving block grants to the states for a couple of years)


6. Stop sending Money overseas. Spend the money at home first. Restart the money only if they help us out or show a demonstrated support for us. Every time we try and buys friends they seem to forget our "friendship" when it comes to voting with us at the UN or other endeavors.


7. Send the UN away. We dont need the corruption and problems it brings. Still belong, but give another country a chance. I am thinking maybe forward the mail to somewhere in Siberia. See how many third world dictators want to belong then. (Heck we should even offer to help pay the moving costs if they would leave faster)

(I am sure NYC would love to get rid of the head aches and hassles involved as well)


8. Change the National Anthem to "America the Beautiful" Easier to sing and I think a better song.


9. Make the Military incredibly strong. Higher much higher pay. Weapons and armor and equipment all top notch. Enough so that we could fight two gulf wars at once. Let the guys who think they can take us re think it. Increase the Special Forces Units so that we can do what most people think is impossible.


10. If someone comes over here to go to school (Medical or Engineering...), have them take a six month course on America, with Pass of Fail grades. Topics include the Contstitution. Our Failures and our Sucesses. Field trips to DC and Philadelphia. Let them understand us for our best and worst.




How long a shelf life: 10 years, 15 or twenty. No more than twenty.


The Party does not get inlvolved with anything else just those issues.










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I'm in, except for no. 8. I like the current Anthem. Makes chills go up my spine when it's played and nobody sings anything right.


However, I'm prepared to support that if you nominate me for president. :)


Seriously, I love your platform, but I think we are stuck with the two parties we've got, as lousy as they both are. I'm a Libertarian, but never vote for them at the national level. Why? Because they never have a chance and they take votes away from a candidate who has a chance. In this case it would be the Republicans with whom I normally vote.


Maybe you could get them to adopt your platform. They are pretty much looking for a message right now.

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Dear 2X4: Not bad but your Article 2 would inhibit my right to choose who my elected officials are. Term Limits were proposed a few years back and were defeated. That is too much Governmental control. Article 10 sounds good except foreign students have more money than American students to attend U.S. institutions of higher learning. The loss of foreign $ would mean a doubling of tuition for your children. As for Article 3, I am vehemently opposed to any kind of tax. Although a necessary evil, New Hampshire, the "Live Free or Die" state, enjoys NO sales or state income tax.

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I agree with most of it as well.


As far as number 1 goes, well by tanking the economy and available jobs, epecially in the residential construction market, the only folks that are still sneeking into this country are highly suspect, so I agree.


No. 3 I would love a Flat Tax. We can only dream.


No. 9, We already have the most powerful military in the world and the largest defense budget in the world. We need to use that $$$ more wisely, less on complex, expensive weapons systems that fatten the wallets of special interests and more on personnel.


True conservatives need to do some sole searching and decide if the Republican Brand name is so damaged that a new party based on the tenets you've outline and a new name might not be a bad idea.





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Not bad. I would make a few changes.


1. Forget fences. Put the military on the border. Forget the National Guard. Active duty Army soldiers could stop immigration and smuggling cold and save millions.


2. I don't like term limits. It lessens our liberty, not allowing us to vote for who we wish at all times.


3. I love the flat tax. No exceptions though - it applies to everyone. We are all equal, aren't we?


4. Balanced Budget Ammendment- I don't know about this. We have it in New York. They just play with the numbers and we run up a debt every year anyway. Plus there has to be outs for emergencies, which would make this useless. Better to just elect fiscally conservatice legislators - if this is possible?


5. Right on. Think how much money we could save and how many tax dollars could be returned to the people.


6. Stop sending Money overseas. Especially wealthy countries like Israel who spy on us all the time and for years.


7. I don't mind the UN being here. We should just be less involved.


8. I like our national anthem. If any change should be made I prefer the old unofficial anthem, Hail Columbia.


9. We already have top notch stuff. Money needs to be spent better. From the inside of the military one can see how much waste there really is.


10. Interesting. But isn't it just another federal mandate? And we will probably pay for it.


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I can see your platform being valid and applicable to the present day realities we live in. Unlike other posters, I feel #9 should be the first one attended to and that we MUST have mandatory military service to ensure all our citizens have a stake in keeping our nation safe and ready to respond...our present armed forces are stretched way too thin to handle whats on their plate now.


We need more US citizens in uniform...the entire threat(s) we face are NOT only Islamic terrorists...North Korea, Peoples Republic of China, The Russian federation...and lets not forget our good pal in Venezuela,"Fat-Face" Hugo(Citgo)Chavez.


Peace is a wonderful and rare thing, rarer yet when a nation is so wrapped up in itself that it forgets the world really is a nasty place teeming with the have-nots that seek to have what we take for granted....increase the size of our standing armed forces three-fold and then build up the reserves and guard units. Be prepared,not sorry.

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A suggestion rather than term limits we make all Federal elective office no salary no benefit positions no lavish government provided health care, no pensions, no leased car, no expenses strictly pay your own way. This would take us back to politicians that have a day job thus stay in touch with the real world. We have a part time legislature here in Florida. Thus if they want to labor forever for free we can work them like dogs.


I am all for the fair tax as well. It does have that prebate feature which should be set high enough that the truly disabled can marginally subsist on it while everyone pays their fair share with every purchase.


Balanced budget and pay off the national debt by selling off all federal land. Yeah those parks are nice but think of how much better they would be maintained and nicer they could be if Disney and the Busch gardens people ran them.


Buy all the current SS recipients an annuity for the difference between their prebate and their SS and make all the people close to retirement years whole on their "contributions" and flush the whole deal. check out the private retirement plans that could be had at the same cost. I think the city of Galveston is the one most cited.


Require service after high school either military or running around the world digging ditches or drilling water wells in third world countries.


Require every citizen be armed ala Switzerland unless their rights revoked by a court. "An armed society is a polite society"


Repeal all drug and vice laws if people want that stuff they should be able to get it in an open market with fair tax paid same as smokes and alcohol. Prohibition did not work before what makes us think it will work now.


All government incentives and disincentives should be removed from the marketplace why should the government make your choices. examples agriculture subsidies for not growing a certain crop, special tobacco taxes, tax credits for anything, and all bailouts or guarantees.


Return to the Senators being appointed by the state legislatures rather than being elected this is part of the checks and balances that has unwisely been eliminated with our current system. The senators are there to protect the rights of the state.


If a state wants to have single payer health care they should have at it. The states most of them are a big enough group to get decent rates from an insurance company. People and businesses could then vote with their feet moving from one state to another to pursue their own particular brand of happiness.

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"A suggestion rather than term limits we make all Federal elective office no salary no benefit positions no lavish government provided health care, no pensions, no leased car, no expenses strictly pay your own way."


I'll go with no salary but health care and the same housing and meal allowance that a Staff Sergent gets.


Foreigners come here for an education? When I was in college, every foreigner that I knew was getting aid from our government. Let them go to school in their own country.

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GW that's too good for them they have not done what a staff sgt does why give them the bennies that a staff sgt gets. If they want the bennies a staff sgt gets let them enlist and retire as such them they will have earned them. If they want to play politics then let them do so on their own dime and the successful will parlay that into a meaningful career with a market willing to pay money for their expertise. The real problem is most of them are convinced that they are better (smarter?) than said staff sgt but until they prove otherwise they are not. Again if the blue states want to provide one and all health insurance they are a big enough group to do so. I wish Florida had the cojones to let one and all buy into the medicaid HMO they have bid out it is way cheaper than my private HMO.

Back on the soapbox they are paying $1600 per month to volunteer service members starting salary where are the unemployed from the hood when you need them?

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"GW that's too good for them they have not done what a staff sgt does why give them the bennies that a staff sgt gets."


They're doing the nation's business, that's just as important as what the staff sgt does.


"Back on the soapbox they are paying $1600 per month to volunteer service members starting salary where are the unemployed from the hood when you need them?"


What's your point here? Since they are "volunteers" should they get paid the same as I do for my volunteer work? Or are you saying that the boys from the hood should be signing up? If that's the case, do you want a bunch of gangsters or drug addicts in the Army?

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"As much as everyone loves the two Party system"


Do not assume everyone loves the 2 party system.


There is nothing that enshrines 2 parties. Its just our system has become rigged against any but the 2 major parties, which is wrong.



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I don't think it makes much difference what you pay them. I agree they are pretty well taken care of, but they do it for other reasons: power and fringe benefits. Some (Kennedy, Kerry) don't need the money at all. But all of them can make a good living on the rubber chicken circuit, writing books and articles and generally being famous and powerful. Legally or illegally, they make plenty of money without a congressional salary.

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