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Opinion about On-line specific training

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Well if the BSA does a repeat of the 1970s, 2 things may occur. #1 Those old timers may keep on scouting, and probably have units that grow while other wither or #2 the nascent Baden Powell Scouts in the USA may expand.

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OK... Lets all agree to meet up right here in 20 years to compare notes. For sure whatever happens, it will be different then what we have now. And most likely us "oldtimers" (and even if right now you are fairly new to scouting in 20 years you'll be an oldtimer).. will be be-moaning the good old days, while the new timers will either welcome the change (because their mass priorities and values will be driving it), or they will be oblivious to the changes and not care.

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While change can be good, I see the merging of WeLOT and IOLS as a good thing, you must keep the basics and what the kids want. Kids want excitement, they want challenges, they want to try new things, they want be independant, and they want the outdoors. The Patrol Method, which goes to the very beginning of Scouting at Brownsea island and is used worldwide, is part of that. take that away and you no longer have Boy Scouts but Webelos IIIs.


The outdoors is another part of scouting that goes back to Brownsea. Green Bar Bill has stated that "Outing is 3/4 Scouting," and " Scouting is Outing." BSA from 1972 to 1979 took the "Outing out of Scouting," as evidenced by the drastic reduction in membership. My older brothers were involved in scouting in this period until they moved. Reason why they didn't continue: it was boring and didn't live up to the hype that my Eagle and Silver Award Uncle and Eagle cousin portrayed it to be. They weren't doing the outing. Scouting had to bring out of retirement Green Bar Bill to write a new handbook and outdoor emphasis program materials in order to save scouting. unfortunately we are seeing some of the repurcussions today, i.e. new leaders with no prior scouting expereince, execs who do not understand the accomplishment that is Eagle, etc.


I agree with BP's concern about comments from the CSE, especially the comments on camping not being an emphasis and troops needing to bring the entire family along. That is the antithesis of both the Outdoor Method and Patrol Method. i would also say that it inhibits Personal Growth in that from my expereinces with parents who are not familiar with the scouting program, or who do not recognize the KSAs of their children, the parents hold back their Scouts, inhibiting their growth.

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I just hope when they merge the two programs WeLots & IOLS, my council will think about returning to at least a two day program if not a 3 day program.


I am told that although not all districts in my council think this is a good thing one district was allowed to do it, and then everyone elses district training ran empty while everyone flocked to the training in the district that they could get trained in one day.


The other districts ended up following suit in order to be able to offer the training course at all.


Therefore, it might be my suggestion that my district goes back to a 2 day training. But, I don't know if it will do any good unless the other districts in my council see that with the added training it would be better to go to 2 days.


For me, if it forces them to bring back (2 day training, if not 3) then it will be a good thing.. A combined outdoor program in one day though, bad thing.


I know some is similar. I trained along side the OWLS, but there were different courses that we went our seprate ways for.


With the Weblos leaders being trained with the BS, their will need to be alot of emphisis on "You can't do this with the Webloes yet".. Unless National is dropping some of the rules that Webloes can not do that Boy Scout can (like cooking on open fires, I do not think that weblo scouts are allowed to swing an axe.. etc.).. If these new Adult leaders are rushed through these skills in order to get everything in in one day, then made to not use them for 1 1/2 years.. Bad thing..


Yep, I know. No one else in the country is one day for IOLS.

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