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I am not sure what it is, well I do a little. We have a thread going on about how some areas appear to be cramming many aspects of training into too little time. Then there is the University of Scouting comming up next month, somebody thought it would be a great idea to also do a Trainer Development Conference on the same day. So with presenters presenting for both University of Scouting and the Trainer Development Conference there may not be many people left to present to. Why the big rush on training? I know supposedly no one has time anymore, but how many of use would let a guy coach our children in baseball if they couldnt explain the infield fly? Or basketball if they didnt know what is meant by double dribble (and thats not when Charles Barkley eats ice cream). Do we need to sacrifice training content to jam as many people through it as possible?


Anyway, the more I know the less I like it

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Yea, what local1400 says...


And it seems the training committee isn't paying much attention to it's own calendar.


University of Scouting is a new thing for me, our council recenlty merged with a huge neighbor. I was excited to attend, but let down when I got there for various reasons. that asside, Who's gonna be providing the presentations at the UoS? I would think you'd want your best and brightest working the UoS event and the TDC...someone's got some 'splainin to do.


I may have cracked the O.F.S. come to think of it..."Old _art Syndrome"...no disrespect sir, just making the letters work out is all...



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Originally thought to have meant

Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco (dont know if the package has the LSMFT on it anymore)


During the 60's it was rumored that a few urban police forces (such as Chicago and Detroit) had LSMFT as a motto as in Lets Shoot * * Tonight, then again as a child of the 60's and the womens movement replete with bra burnings, it could be construed that LSMFT means Loose Straps Means Floopy *

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