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I'm thinking about taking the Wood Badge Course

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I've recently learned about the Wood Badge course, and I'm considering enrolling. Everything I've read about it sounds like it would be a fantastic learning opportunity.


I figure I have at least a good 10 years remaining in scouting with my two sons. My older son is currently a Webelos 1 and is planning on becoming a Boy Scout. I've been his den leader since he was a Tiger (3 1/2 years), and I've been the pack Cubmaster since he was a Wolf (2 1/2 years). My younger son can become a cub scout a few months after his brother crosses over to Boy Scouts, so I would have a cub and a boy scout.


Son # 1 has just over a year left in the current pack, and the committee chair told me she would pay the tuition for the course. The current pack is at the school and doesn't have a troop. We're thinking about putting son #1 with with our church's troop. (We just changed churches) I'm trying to decide which pack to put son #2 in: the one at school (which is great for helping me learn the families in the school) or the one at church (which has an affiliated troop, so he would know all the boys.)


Anyway, my questions are this:


1) Is it possible to complete the ticket in a year's time?

2) Will the knowledge be helpful in any leadership position?

3) Is it worth the time?

4) Has what you've learned helped you in non-scouting life?


Thanks a bunch, everyone.

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"Anyway, my questions are this:


1) Is it possible to complete the ticket in a year's time?

2) Will the knowledge be helpful in any leadership position?

3) Is it worth the time?

4) Has what you've learned helped you in non-scouting life?"


1) Yes it is. In fact, you are given a year and a half to complete your ticket. I completed mine in a year. The length of time to complete a ticket depends on many things... What kind of work you want to put into it, how much of the ticket depends on others, the type of goals you are working toward... etc.


2) Yes. The Wood Badge course is actually designed and built on business models and Boy Scouting leadership. It focuses on interpersonal communication, motivating others, and conflict resolution. All these skills are applicable in every aspect of life.


3) Absolutely. Wood Badge will change your life, for the positive. It is well worth investing your time (and money).


4) Yes. Wood Badge has changed my life. I am a better husband, father, professional, Scout Leader... The list goes on.


Wood Badge has a different effect on everyone who goes through the program, but to date I have never spoken with, heard of, or known anyone who has ever regretted going through it. In fact, everyone I have ever know who has done it has had a positive experience that has changed their life for the better.


You won't regret Wood Badge. Just Do It.


Eagle Pete

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I will echo everything that Eagle-Pete had to say...don't hesitate!! DO IT!! It is training that you can apply to ANYTHING that you do in life..not just Scouting! You will find it useful even in your everyday job! It teaches you how to deal with other people in more effective ways to get things done and how to both set goals (both personal and Scouting wise) and how to go about achieving those goals. For me, it was about gaining the self confidence I needed so that I was neither afraid to step up and use my few talents in a more positive way..nor was I any longer afraid to fail and start over if necessary to achieve my goals. It's also about recognizing the various talents in other people and giving THEM the encouragement that THEY need to acheive too! You are in a unique position right now if you take the course.


One of the main issue that I hear from our District Training Coordinator (who is also our Wood Badge Association president) is that most Cub Scouters who come through the program never get a real chance to USE the training in the Cub Scouting program because by the time they take it, their sons are usually Webelos and so they move on to the troop level with their expertise..great for troops, but it leaves Cub Scouts lacking. So, if you have another son just starting out in Cubs..you will have time to leave a legacy there!! Again...Do Not hesitate...it'll be one of the most memorable experiences that you'll ever have as an adult in Scouting...and if your lucky, you'll even get to be a BEAVER!! ;)


PS..you get to learn the Gilwell song too! ;)



Sue M.


I used to be a Beaver


(This message has been edited by SueM)

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No matter what you may read in these forums about the changes made to the Woodbadge training I do not think you will find anyone that has said it is not worth the time to take. In answer to your questions another YES! YES! YES! YES!


used to be a BEAR

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The others are right, you'll enjoy it and find it worthwhile personally as well as from a scouting perspective. It will help you in both the pack and troop too. Go sign up!


Regarding payment:

If your older son's pack is willing to pay for the training (which is expensive in comparison to other cub leader trainings) then how will they feel about you moving on not too long after you finish the course? As you probably know, part of WB includes developing and delivering some projects to strengthen your unit. If one pack paid for the course but your tickets are focused on a different pack or troop, the pack footing the bill might feel abused so it would be good to discuss this up front.


Assuming you focus your tickets on your older son's current pack:

Most of the folks in the wb course I participated in finished their tickets in about 8-12 months after completing the instructional portion of the course. Some took the full 18 months and a couple actually needed extensions (took me about 14 months but with a little time "off" mixed in). If your younger son ends up in the church pack and it turns out that you aren't done with your tickets by the time your older son joins the troop, will you still be willing to work on projects for a pack that neither of your boys are in?


I don't mean this as discouragement - I am sure you won't regret taking WB and I think more of us cub types ought to do it. Just a couple of pragmatic things to consider in terms of deciding how best to pay for it.


Oh and our WB association offers limited scholarships (up to half the cost) and rumor is that they don't get nearly as many applicants as they'd be willing to fund. Might be good to check and see if that applies in your case too.


And when you get there, remember that no matter what those others say, they all secretly wish they were BOBWHITES.



A good old bobwhite too!

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Well I signed for WB last night at Roundtable.

The council next to our council is having a session in the spring and I wanted to go to that one since our council's WB will be held next fall. Spoke to our DE about my plans and she changed my mind to take in the fall. Found out quite a few of my friends are taking it in the fall. Looking forward to it.


Cary P

Crew 805 Advisor



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As one who has just started on my tickets I thought I should respond.

I am a CM and took WB for my pack. I was afraid that since the Cub version was no longer offered that I might be in over my head but I was wrong. It is true that alot of the Boy Scout methods are used but I "Rocked" on the first half day that we worked as Cubs. ;) The only thing I had problems with was the Boy Scout Oath and Law after that but I have a good memory for written words so it was minor. We did function as patrols but most, if not all, of the information presented carries over for all aspects of scouting, work, and life in general. I have used what I learned at home, in scouts, in church, and in work (I am a substitute teacher).

Aside from the great reviews of the course I have to add that it was fun. I have rarely had so much fun working so hard with people I didn't know. Well, I know them now! It was too cool last night to be watching the local news with my children and to see a patrol member on TV, both my boys started jumping up and down yelling "There is Pete!" My boys came to our patrol meeting between weekends and my eldest considers himself a de facto Eagle, and yes, they can sing "The Song" with the best of them.

GO FOR IT! You won't regret it.


I used to be an Eagle


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