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Finished the course, now to work on tickets

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Just finished the course today. Had a blast. Learned lots. I am a den leader and really enjoyed the patrol method. I now know where the boys are headed. The biggest thing the course did was to get me to focus on my "mission". I am now more objective and have a "plan" to follow to accomplish these goals.


On a side note the commraderie with other scouters was awesome. Loved being around so many people with different scouting backgrounds and experiences.


I am not an experienced camper so I got a lot out of the camping thing. Mostly from my patrols members. They taught me how to do things, tie taut lines, secure a bear bag (okay we have no bears but we do have racoons...as one patrol found out the hard way). I learned how to strain our dish water with pine needles. Again all from my fellow foxes... I was in a great patrol.



I used to be a fox.

Foxes, Laid back....Waaaay back

(okay you had to be there...lol)




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thanks for asking, We had great weather. It rained the night before we got there. So the ground was nice and soft for us. The weather cooled off (it can get quite hot here in Texas). Unfortunately we did not qualify for the polar bear award as the temp was only in the high 30's and low 40's. The wind graced us with its gentle breeze. It is such an awesome site to see the American flag stretched out straight high on the flag pole. The sun however was not as nice and did not come out friday.


Saturday we had perfect weather to work in. the sun did join us for our work project clearing out the brush and cutting down small trees. the temp warmed up (gotta love texas) with very little to no breeze. The Gillwell flag looked so pathetic just hanging there upside down. Yes the program patrol flew the flag upside down. The SPL did have them rectify the situation and they did suffer the consequences of such indignities on our flag.


My goals...we are a very small pack in the process of regrowth. My vision is to have a vibrant, fun pack filled with boys. So I have set goals to do this. Some of the goals have taken the form of ticket items. We have no outdoor program as it is so am planning outdoor outings, camping trips etc...We are going to have the first annual raingutter regatta and invite a sister pack to join us. They invite us to their pinewood derby. I'm going to work with the homeschool community on recruitment.



It was absolutely great. For real no joke no sarcasm it was awesome. Wish I could go again. Maybe someday ......I used to be a staffer....sounds good. In the meantime...I used to a fox.




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