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Adult Recognition

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I was wondering if anyone could fill in the blanks on the Extra Miler award. Specifically, how many are given out. Who can authorize the award, cubmaster or someone higher? Is there any written guidance on the award? If so, where can I look? Are there other awards available to adults? I'm a new Cubmaster, and I am big on recognizing as many as I can.

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As far as I can tell this is not a BSA National award. It is a council/district specific award.


Contact your local council for the specifics on this, and other local awards.


As for adult awards, you can find many here -








(This message has been edited by Scoutnut)

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It's a district award for us. The district encourages each unit to give out at least one Extra Mile award, but in practice units can put in people for as many such awards as they wish.


You could ask your Commissioner (if you have one) or your District Executive or Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner (if you attend Roundtable) about your district practices.



Also, if you Google "Cub Scout Certificates" you can find websites that allow you to custom make your own certificates, which you might find appealing.


Scout shops usually have certificates that can be customized easily.


It's a very good practice to be generous in recognizing contributions to the program, in my experience. It's really on of the leadership methods of Scouting.

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